
Monday, May 18, 2009

Issues w/ Baby = less blogging

I try to keep this blog going with fun crafts/eats for mommy and kids and family....
But complications w/ baby--may slow this down a bit- so please be patient with me- and I'll post some fun stuff again shortly;) I have a 1/2 dozen -1/2 finished the works!
Today we found out that our little baby has some serious issues that can only be corrected with surgery after he is born. He is also very large - 7 lbs. - when he should only be about 4lbs! (We won't talk about my weight right here-but it is through the roof.) I don't have gestational diabetes-but of course they would like to test me for a third time. We have another appt. w/ the specialist in a few weeks and will have a better idea of what is happening then.
The short of it is, this baby could be coming in about a month or sooner, and most likely will need all of our love and attention for a while :) In the meantime, I am a little bit emotional. No one likes to find out something is wrong with their baby. I dealt with some scary things with both my sons when they were born-- and they are healthy now with a few minor things- so I thought maybe those days were over. :) But here we go....yet again. :) I guess that is what comes with having kids, right?
So if it looks like I am on a blog hiatus, that is why. I will still try to post- as much as I can until the little guy gets here :)


  1. Our prayers are with you. Everything is easier when we remeber that someone who loves us in charge.

  2. I have only been reading your blog for a short time, but I really love it. Blogging is not life tho. Take care of yourself and your little ones. My prayers are with you for a healthy baby!

  3. Our prayers are with you and your family Sharla. What a scary thing! Hopefully everything will be okay for you guys. We love you!

  4. I'm so sorry Sharla. Take care of yourself and your family. You are an amazing mother, and your boys are lucky to have you. I hope all is well with your family soon. Love ya!

  5. So sorry that you've been hit with unexpected problems and worries. Prayed this morning for God's blessings, peace, comfort, and healing for you all.

  6. Sharla, i'll send some prayers and thoughts your way!! stay're an amazing mommy. Sending love!! ♥

  7. I'm so sorry to hear there are some complications with your baby. That is never an easy thing. You will definitely be in my thoughts and prayers as your family experiences whatever may come your way. You're a wonderful mommy and I look forward to seeing your precious baby. Keep us updated!

  8. So sorry. That is tough. I will be thinking about you and your family. Take it easy.

  9. Hang in there. We love you and our thoughts and prayers are for you.

  10. Oh, Sharla. I almost stopped reading after just one or two posts, but I am so glad that I didn't. I just haven't been on so I didn't know. Please let me help with the boys or anything else you need. With school being out and things really slowing down I really can help however you need it!

  11. Thinking of you. I love reading all of your fun ideas - I hope everything works for you and your new little one.


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