
Thursday, May 28, 2009

Frito Salad

We love Fritos-but seriously- they really aren't that good for you...unless of course you eat them with vegetables- right? This is a fun salad to take to a BBQ or serve up in the summer- when it is just too hot to turn that oven on. :)

Frito Salad

3 large tomatoes diced
1 green pepper
1 bunch green onions
2 cans red kidney beans
1 small bottle Katalina or French dressing (we use fat free)
1 cup grated cheese
1 regular bag of Fritos corn chips
1 can of sliced black olives (we leave these out)
Sometimes we also add 1 can black beans

Mix everything but the Fritos. Marinate in the dressing. When ready to eat, add the Fritos. Delicious! Note: Fritos do not refrigerate well. If you have leftovers, store in the refrigerator without the Fritos.

1 comment:

  1. Yum, sounds very quick, easy & delicious. I will print this off and add to my menu for next week!


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