
Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Catepillar Crafts for Kids

It all started with this:
My son brought this butterfly craft home from pre-school. He insisted we add a face to it. Then he wanted to make some caterpillars. After all, you can't have a butterfly without a caterpillar, right? So using things we already had, here are 3 caterpillar crafts we made.
Pipe-cleaner caterpillar: This one is so easy. No glue needed. You need a wooden dowel clothespin ($ store), pipe cleaners, (chenille stems from $ store), and a marker to draw a face. Twist the pipe cleaners around the wooden clothespin and leave some hanging down on both sides for legs. Twist one upwards to make antennae. Done!

This one uses a popsicle stick and fuzzy balls, google eyes, and one pipe cleaner. All these things can be found at the dollar store. I also used hot glue to assemble- obviously I did that part, not my child. :)

And of course we had to make the classic "egg carton caterpillar." We used crayons to color on the styrofoam. The google eyes we attached with glue dots (used for paper crafting/scrap booking), and the pipe cleaners we simply stuck through the styrofoam carton to make legs and antennae.
These provided hours of pretend play and entertainment. My little guy placed all of them in a shoe box and said he had his own bug collection :)


  1. AH- the egg carton caterpillar brings back such great memories for me. It is still one of my childhood favorites!

  2. I haven't been on the blog world in several weeks. Now that it is summer I will be frquenting your blog often to see what I can do to keep my kids occupied. Thanks for all of the wonderful ideas!!!!!


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