
Monday, May 11, 2009

I ♥ Faces- Laughter

The photo above is my son, in Utah, at my grandparents home. The background is Logan Canyon and the Logan River. I have lots of photos of him smiling and laughing, but I really like this one :) I'm sure it could use some editing, to brighten up his face a bit.... and maybe some cropping....ahhhh maybe next time :)

So I haven't done I ♥ Faces for several weeks, but I decided to share this week. Please note, that I don't ever do this to win-- just look at the talent by clicking HERE for this week's entries, and you will see what I mean :) It is amazing!! I haven't taken many photos lately, and still don't have the "skills" or the camera to go with it-but I LOVE photography-and love to join in the fun! I ♥ Faces is a great little site for learning, sharing, and seeing the amazing talent that is out there! Take a look :)


  1. What a cutie! I love all the photos of laughing, smiling kids - so heart-warming!!

  2. What a precious little man! And what a contagious smile!

  3. And he's smiling with a broken arm too? What a cutie! (I just moved from Utah last summer and I miss it!)

  4. what a sweet picture! i actually like how it's off center!


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