
Monday, May 11, 2009

Photo Learning Book and Song : Opposites

YEAH... I know I haven't blogged regularly here. Please forgive me. I've got a ton of things to post, just haven't had the drive to do it, being this pregnant and tired, attending to the house and children, with no husband home, has been a bit overwhelming....I know... excuses... ☻
We actually made this little book of opposites back in February--and I'm finally posting it! It is based on the song, Opposites, by Janeen Brady, -from the Show a Little Love CD. It is a song I loved as a kid, and sang often. I could not find the lyrics anywhere online, so I will post them below. We took photos of things familiar to us, and of the kids doing different things (see above). I did not limit the book to only the words in the song. We put the song lyrics in the front of the book and then had the photos follow after. This is a fun thing you could do with your kids, and super easy to make. You can buy a little plastic 4 by 6 photo book at Target or Wal-mart (I found mine at Target for 70 cents-dollar section clearance.) Then you just add your photos, words, and cover. This was great, because the next month, my son was learning about opposites in pre-school, so he brought this to share, and he already a solid understanding of what opposites were, from doing this little book :) I think it is fun to do your own photos, of things your child is familiar with. I am happy to share my cover and generic photos-just leave me a comment- and I can email them to you if you like :) The song is super cute too- and I could not find a recording of it online...but you can go HERE to see many of her products and HERE is the CD that has this song on it. I think it is a great CD for kids- we love all the songs on it!

Most things Have an Opposite
By Janeen Brady

When things aren’t going
Exactly my way,
When I have feeling of
Total Dismay,
I ponder the reason
That this has to be,
And as I consider,
I can clearly see:
Most things have an
Most things come
In pairs.
And many times I
Can Benefit if
I do not dispair….

Hot has Cold
Black has White
Up has Down,
Day has Night,
Life has Death,
Good has Bad,
Young has Old,
And Happy Has Sad.
If I didn’t know about
Bad and about cold,
Something of death, and
The sad and the old,
Then I wouldn’t know about
Wrong and Right, and I
Wouldn’t know the
Joy of Good and Light.

Most things have an
Most things come In pairs.
And many times I
Can Benefit if
I do not dispair….

Hot has Cold
Black has White
Up has Down,
Day has Night,
Life has Death,
Good has Bad,
Young has Old,
And Happy Has Sad.


  1. What a great idea. I remember listening to this song when I was little. I think the pictures are perfect. Great job.

  2. My Mom sold Brite music and so I remember it well. Not sure if this code still works, but you can try 2040202 to see if you can get a 10% discount online for anyone who would like to order from them.


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