
Thursday, June 4, 2009

Blockin' It (as in crafting w/ wood:))

A few other little projects that have been sitting around here way too long waiting to be finished. Obviously, the craft/project/sewing stuff is all going to be taking a little break here very soon in a few weeks :) But for now I'm trying to finish it all up, and get everything organized and in order, since the focus will be baby, baby, baby and family, family, a few weeks :)
HAPPY SUMMER!! ( in case you were wondering...about these blocks- wood was in the garage- a scrap we found somewhere which hubby cut and sanded for me; paint- well we have had that forever and it is just acrylic paint from the craft store; and lettering I have had for a few months- I ordered from a fabulous friend- so these really cost me next to nothing- just never got around to finishing them until now :))


  1. What is the font used for the m on brown? I really like it.

  2. I really like those - do you have your own vinyl lettering machine? You have done a lot of fabulous things with it lately and was just wondering how you were doing it so fast.

  3. cute blocks!
    Keep busy and the time will go by fast. Pretty soon that new (not so) little baby will be here and it will be so fun! If you ever need anyone to play with your kids, just let me know!

    P.S. I am coming home on Saturday...bummer. BUT, I did get a private room! YAY!

  4. Jessica- I don't know what font it is but I can look it up:) I'll email it to you if you want.
    Trish- Most vinyl- I order in bulk from a friend who is fabulous ;) I am just getting around to doing projects I had planned to do months ago. And I have a "craft stash" of just about everything under my own roof- I'm trying to use it all up:) So most of the time I don't have to buy anything- since it is already here;)

  5. Who does your vinyl? I want some!! My lady is kind of expensive!


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