
Tuesday, June 2, 2009


We found out some more not- so -happy -news about the baby the other day. We have lots of doctor appts. and have to travel a ways to see a specialist next week. I'm sure it will all be o.k. in the end-but it is still scary for me. Right now we know the baby needs surgery but not sure when or where.... So in order to try and attempt to keep my mind off of the unknown-on the days when I actually have some energy- here is what I have been doing....."craftstractions" (craft + distractions) as I call it...
silly USA banner using only stuff from my stash
Quilt top w/ Ikea fabric + fabric from my stash...and then I got too tired to finish it

Organizing the tiny room we have for the boys- a car room- w/ our collection of old license plates we have found over the years

Making a few vinyl signs for the boys car room and baby's room- but this is the only one I had energy to finish-the rest will come later ;)

AND of course- enjoying the 2 cute little boys I have right here at home :) I love my kids!


  1. I'm so sorry ya'll are going through so much right now, I know it's so hard. I love craftractions!

  2. The boys room sounds fun. I love the Mater sign! The quilt top is way way cute!! Thanks again for chatting today. I needed the distraction!

  3. You're sooo crafty! I love all your stuff. I'll keep you & baby in my prays. I hope all goes well for you!

  4. I am a strong believer in Craftstraction therapy. I love your blog and am praying that everything will work out well.

  5. I am sorry to hear there are more complications. I can't imagin how stressful that must be. Good luck. I love all of your craftstractions

  6. I'm going to get that Ikea fabric soon.

  7. I think about you often and you are certainly in my thoughts and prayers. Please let me know how I can help!!!!!!


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