
Wednesday, July 22, 2009

baby sweetness...

I did not take this photo (I helped but it was taken by someone else
Isn't he sweet?
HE is the reason I am sick and congested...
HE is the reason I never sleep...
HE is the reason the sink is full of dishes and laundry is left undone...
HE is the reason my life is on hold...
HE is the reason I nurse..... and sit for hours in a chair watching t.v....
HE is the reason my body is looking pretty shabby and rather large...
HE is the reason I don't leave the house...
HE is the reason there are toys covering the floor ( we have 3 - HE's)....
HE is the reason there are no moments of peace and quiet...
HE is the reason we find moments of JoY...
HE is the reason I understand love and sacrifice more than before...
HE is the reason we have done this 3 times now...AND.... no matter how hard it is, no matter what we have to give up, no matter how much it changes our lives.....
In the end, it only makes our lives better, it is all worth it!☻
I love my children :) even though they take everything out of me :)


  1. The lady with 18 kids does it, because her other kids are old enough to raise each other :) He's gorgeous!

  2. He is so sweet! I'd like to know how anybody with more than two kids do it?

  3. I agree with Niki!

    Your baby is incredibly sweet and wonderful and amazing. I love your list also. So true.

  4. It was so fun to finally see your baby is person!! That picture is precious! Did you see how ours turned out? I love it!

    I seriously love the Duggar family! I record every episode of 18 kids and counting! I agree that her older kids help out, but she is an amazing woman!!!

  5. I can taste the sugar all the way over here in New York! =)

    Love and Hugs

  6. He's perfect.
    And I love your line about love and sacrifice-it's so true.

  7. great picture
    how does it feel to have three?


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