
Saturday, July 25, 2009

You know you have a good husband when...

You know you have a good husband when he makes you strawberry frozen yogurt on his day off which tastes divine... and he does it just because you wanted it... (photo via simple recipes)
And you know you have a really good husband when he then he stops at Super Wally's on his way home from a 14 hour shift at work, to get a bunch of stuff you requested to support your crafting habit- (even though you already went over the monthly budget because you went to Target one too many times... o.k. you only went once but that was enough to do it...and even though you don't have time from crafting these days but you wanted that stuff in the house just in case... and because eventually he will have a day off and you will find a moment to make something-)

And you really have a great husband when he comes home to this mess, after HE cleaned it spotless the night before, he so doesn't even complain about it.... he cleans it up for you.....

AND you know you must have the most amazing husband in the world when he even tackles this mess and then holds the screaming baby while putting the other kids to bed and trying not to fall asleep in the process- just so you can take a long hot shower because all you did all day was feed kids and change diapers... Yes, you know you have a good husband- good is an understatement. I am very lucky. I think I'll go tell him that...☻☻☻


please know that I really appreciate you taking time to say a little something....and I love when you help me become a little smarter. so thanks. {please no soliciting. Comments with links to ads or in a language I cannot understand, will be rejected, as will comments that are not nice.}