
Wednesday, July 1, 2009

one week old

so this blog is not going to be photos of my kids- i have a few things in my brain that i just need to get made=-and i am excited and wish i had the energy to make them now- but i will- - as soon as i recover...but until then enjoy this sweetness :) i really love being a mommy!


  1. He is so precious! These photos are adorable. Congratulations!

  2. CONGRATS! What a sweety! I love that cuddly baby stage! Recover, then you can start sharing again!e

  3. What precious pictures. You are making me baby hungry!

  4. I can't believe it has already been a week. I bet the time is going to fly fast with this one. I hope you are taking care of yourself!!

  5. Very cute!~& so sweet. Enjoy your new little bundle of joy!

  6. He is adorable and the pictures are beautiful.

  7. Congrats Sharla! Enjoyed the journey with u. Glad everything is going well. Take Care

  8. He is just the cutest thing- all prince and the pea on those quilts.


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