
Thursday, July 2, 2009

What every Mommy wants to hear after having a baby

When we got home from the hospital, my almost 4 year old asked me upon seeing the baby in my arms, "What's in your tummy now mommy?" What do I tell him? Lots of organs.....stuff that shouldn't be there. Yes, I still look like I have a baby in my tummy. :)


  1. Yeah, that's when you REALLY hate the girls that come home in their skinny jeans.

    After I had Sophia, Bria said to me, I thought you'd be skinny when the baby was out, but you're still kind of fat.

  2. I'm so sorry. But it will go away quickly. Did you have a c-section this time?

  3. I am quite sure he wasn't asking it that way. Give yourself some time. You will be back down to your hottie little self in no time at all!! But - to clarify, I think you are gorgeous right now. BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!

  4. Out of the mouth of babes!
    Kids have an uncanny way of commenting on our most obvious outward insecurities.

    I once had a second grader tell me that my forearms were so hairy I needed to shave them! I laughed it off (kind of). But I guess the comment cut a little too deep because I've taken the time to shave my arms for years now.


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