
Tuesday, August 4, 2009

the baby update...and randomness

Thank you for all your concern and congrats about our sweet new baby! I can't believe he is about 6 weeks old....only about 6 -12 more until I feel a little bit normal ☻ AND.. (Yes, the Guessing Game Prizes will be coming soon- no worries- just be patient w/ me :)) Forgive me for posting about my kiddos- but they are kind of a craft thing- since I make people--- ha ha ha ...

The baby has to have his first surgery to save his kidney- - you could say- in a few weeks- -- So perhaps some bloggity-business will have to wait...we'll see how I feel. (Poor little thing will have to be "put under" and all that...and it won't be pleasant....but it has to happen. One kidney only has 26% function and it is decreasing... I'll spare you the other details- but it is occupying me greatly right now...)

I also have another project in the works called "lose 50 lbs now or else".....yes, I know that is like a year long project, but it is priority. i. will. do. it. But we are starting small- (20 lbs by Christmas!!!)

I'll try to keep the posts going --since I cleaned up the craft/office/mess/clutter room and found about 15 or 20 projects that are only half way finished and have been floating around making a mess for like a year or more. Yes, I have a serious craft obsession problem people- I'll admit it...isn't that the first step ?

So know that some of the posts you will see, are just old projects that are finally getting finished....and such randomness....and hopefully some of that other stuff I promised to post too!


  1. Sharla, I will keep your family and little guy in my thoughts and prayers. Thanks for sharing with us. All the love and support we give each other is so wonderful.

  2. 26% functionality, surgery, sedation; no wonder you've had a lot on your mind lately. Your baby boy's in my prayers. Good luck!


please know that I really appreciate you taking time to say a little something....and I love when you help me become a little smarter. so thanks. {please no soliciting. Comments with links to ads or in a language I cannot understand, will be rejected, as will comments that are not nice.}