
Sunday, August 16, 2009

GIVE-A-WAY!! The Miracle Blanket

This give-a-way is now closed. Winner will be announced in the next few days!

I am so excited to tell you about this give-a-way! If you are a mommy of a newborn, or having a baby soon or later, or going to a baby shower and want to bring a really incredible gift, you need the MIRACLE BLANKET!! It truly lives up to its name. ☻

This little blanket has allowed me to sleep 5-6 hours at night. We tried some other swaddle blankets on the market, and this one was the only one that truly worked for our baby! A friend of mine told me about her success using this blanket with her two children, and let me tell you, she was right- it worked! I started using it when my baby was about a month old. He has slept for longer stretches ever since! It is definitely a baby product that I cannot live without!

The Miracle Blanket Company is offering one lucky reader a Miracle Blanket of their choice from their website. If you would like to enter this give-a-way, here is what you do:

*Visit the Miracle Blanket website (simply click on the miracle blanket to view their site) and view the blanket. Leave a comment on this post letting me know which blanket you would like if you win.

FOR ADDITIONAL ENTRIES: (please tell me what you did in your comment so I know to give you the proper credit!)

*Blog about this give-a-way on your blog (5 additional entries)

*Become a Follower of My Little Gems or Google Reader, or whatever your method of blog-reading is, just let me know in your comment...(5 additional entries)

This Give-A-Way Ends THURSDAY AUGUST 20th at midnight, PST.

Good Luck! This is a definite must have for a mommy with a new baby...☻ ☻ I hope you win!


  1. Hey Sharla,
    Love the blanket! Since I have no idea what I'm having, and guessed wrong with my previous 2 kiddos, I will have to go with the green blanket with the biege trim. I also posted about it on my blog and became a follower of your blog. Thanks for such a great give away!!!

  2. liz memmott I love your blog, what a neat blanket.. The sky blue solid would be perfect for my brother or sister who are both expecting boys

  3. I love reading your blog through google reader. I have been reading for a few months.. You have some great ideas and fun for the kids

    liz Memmott

  4. That has got to be the most innovative and wonderful idea I've ever seen. We should've thought of that. Don't you think? LOL! Kudos to the one who did and what an appropriate name for the product.

  5. Wow! I used a swaddle blanket with my sons, but they often poked their way out of it. When I could get them to stay, they slept better. This looks amazing! I'd love to win it. THanks for the chance :)

    I'm already a blog follower - I love your blog!

  6. i follow your blog, and i posted on mine too. i don't know what i'm having yet... but if i have to choose a blanket now i'd want the beige with green trim. but if i win, and they are willing to wait four weeks, i'd want to choose either a pink or blue!


  7. That is a really great idea! I always used regular blankets with my first (Logan), and he would always wriggle his hands out! I am supposed to be having a girl in October, so I think the white with pink trim is ADORABLE, but the green with beige trim is very nice too :) Thanks for the great give-away!

  8. That miracle blanket is amazing! I would like the white one w/ blue trim. I left a post on my
    I would like to become a member on google reader as well! :0)
    thanks so much


  9. I'd love the beige one, I always had such a terrible time swaddling my babies, this looks great!

  10. I'd love the beige one...I forgot to post in my previous comment.

    I also follow!

  11. Hey, looks cool. Count me in for the drawing. I would love the green with beige trim (works for a boy or girl which i am hoping for next) and of course i am already a follower of your blog through mine!

  12. I so need one of these blankets for my little guy! (Green With Blue Trim)
    Love your blog, and I am a follower!

  13. We are getting ready for our next baby but don't know what we are having yet. I would love to win the green blanket with the biege trim. This is such a great idea!

  14. I have been reading your blog for a while but now I am officially a follower.

  15. oh how I wish I would have know about this about 8 years ago. I had a screamer!! Atleast she has now grown out of it!!
    I would love the solid beige one. Though the other colors are adorable. I would want to use it for years to come.

  16. I just posted on my blog about this..and linked to it. This is a great giveaway...and a wonderful product

  17. Wow, this is the perfect blanket for my daughter who is expecting her second son next month. The first was a REALLY fussy baby and we did swaddle him in a large peice of fabric and called him "Burrito Boy" but the Miracle Blanket is much better. I'd love to be able to give it to her!
