
Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Restaurant in a Box Play Kit

This is something we finally finished (would you believe I have had the felt for felt food for like 2 years now and I finally did something with it?) I call this "Restaurant in a Box" ☻. My son was playing restaurant for several days a few weeks ago, so I said to myself, "that's it..I'm making some darn felt food for him....." And he so enjoys it! It is really fun!
The little kit all fits into a plastic box. The top of the box is the grill- drawn with a Sharpie. Inside we have a hat from a favorite fast food place- (replaceable-of course-since it will get ripped), an apron w/ pocket for paper and pencil to take orders, a Pampered Chef spatula that is actually mommy's-on loan for playing restaurant, a stove made from the top of a CD container-I need another one as soon as I have an empty one- since you really need 2 burners- don't you think?, and of course some lovely felt food that took like 2 minutes to make- nothing fancy- hamburger and fries. (No pattern needed- think circles, squares, and rectangles...)
The lovely stove from plastic CD case- anyone can make this- let your kids do it!

Apron and hat

Felt food- the way I prefer to eat fast food (not a big fan of it at all- but In and Out I can handle every once in a while- and some cute fake play food- always welcome here :) )
Things we Need to ADD to our Kit- (according to the four-year-old "Chef"):
Other felt foods -eventually
a Tray
probably play money too :)
I am loving this little kit! I think we will add things to it along the way and maybe make up more Play kits in a box!


  1. I love this! I have been thinking lately that I need to start making some felt food for our girls for Christmas. We think we are going to make them a kitchen. I really can't believe it would cost about $300+ to buy the stuff I want, so we are going to try to make our own wooden fridge & stove. Maybe a little sink/cupboard, too. And we have to have groceries to play with! Thanks for the cute idea. We have a few extra CD cases lying around for stoves. :)

  2. Those are cute foods. I love that idea.

  3. SO fun!! I love the way you made the box that holds everything the grill!!

  4. You are so dang creative!!! I love your rest. in a box idea. (Why don't you make me one?) J/K Keep having fun w/ those boys and creating fun things!!! Love you lots.


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