
Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Traffic Jam Baby Quilt

This is the car quilt I made for my 3rd son. All my boys have been obsessed with cars, so I think it is appropriate that they each have a CAR QUILT. ☻

I still consider myself a beginner quilter, someone who loves the art, but sometimes doesn't want to take time to do a really good job, someone who enjoys learning new things, but really just someone who loves cute colorful fabrics... especially when they have CARS of them...since I have 3 boys☻ So of course I couldn't help myself when I saw the Traffic Jam collection from Allison Jane Smith. AND of course I couldn't help but stay up late several nights to finish the above quilt just in time for Park City Girl's Blog Fall Quilt Festival. I know, a little crazy...but I love this little quilt and how baby looks on it was worth finishing ☻ I have more fabric to make a few more different ones for my other boys. :)  Make sure to take a look at all the lovely quilts at the above link! You will be blown away by the amazing talent that is out there.


  1. I really like the bright colors in there. What a fun quilt. I have 3 little girls, so I don't get to do much with cars. :) Looks great!

  2. Very cute! I love to see boy quilts, there just aren't enough of them!

  3. this fabric is super adorable...i love this quilt

  4. So adorable and you are accomplishing more than you know when a quilt is made for your boys. They are surrounded by your love and memories to last a lifetime.
    Thank you for sharing.

  5. Your little boy's quilt is so cute!! I love the fun fabrics

  6. This is an adorable quilt! You did a great job :-)


  7. Very cute! I love the fabrics, and your little guy is adorable :)

  8. Love your entry! Since I have 3 grandsons, love to see boy quilts.
    And the little one is such a cutie. Hop on over to my blog and see my newest DGS - he's Leo and is just 9 weeks old now.

    Look forward to seeing all your projects.

  9. Look how happy that little boy is on HIS Car Quilt!!! It's adorable. : ) Thanks for sharing!!! And, even making a quilt with THREE boys!?

  10. Really cute car quilt. So appropriate for your three boys. Great fabric. Thanks for sharing.

  11. Cute! Both the quilt and your sweet little boy! Sharon


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