
Saturday, November 7, 2009

Fabric Happy

My son is sick. That makes me sad. I hate it when my kids are sick. But fabric makes me happy! Almost too happy... the problem is I don't have much time to finish anything, unless I don't take a shower and clean my house- which is what has happened....lately.

And now I need some time to finish this- which I bought fabric for LAST YEAR to make....ooops... I'll show you when I'm done-if/when it gets finished...

It has to get finished so I can work on this:

Or maybe I'll just stare at the pretty fabrics all day....aaahhh....Not a chance.
 I better take care of the kids, the house, and me, so I can get sewing.


  1. I'm so jealous of all the fabric...especially the Christmas ones! What are you making with it?

  2. Wow! I love all the bright colors. They're so cheerful! I hope your little guy gets better soon. You put lots in your shop this week! Awesome job.

  3. so sad when the little ones are son is right now as well. lovely fabric

  4. Really cute. I need some fabrics in just those colors. I guess I can branch out in my fabric shopping . . .

  5. I <3 moda - lucky lucky girl!! Have fun sewing!

  6. I <3 moda - lucky lucky girl!! Have fun sewing!


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