
Friday, November 6, 2009

WINNER of the Christmas Apron

OK people... I know... I really take FoReVeR when I do a give-a-way- sorry about that. Sick kids, sewing, baby crying, husband working, you name it, I have every excuse. ☻ So using, I gave everyone's entries a number and the winner is:

SANDRA NIXON! Number 35, was your number.
Sandra said, "count me in of course!"

Leave a comment with email (won't be published) and I'll contact you and we'll get you a custom-made Christmas apron.

Speaking of Christmas aprons--- every woman needs one. It just puts you in the Christmas mood, and all that. ☻ I have two in my shop - and more car cozies.
THANKS to everyone that entered.. and  HAPPY HOLIDAYS!

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