
Sunday, November 29, 2009

Framing with Burlap

In case the burlap ornaments weren't your thing, here is another use for it. You have probably seen this out there in blogland. I saw it here, and many other places. It is a really cute idea- perfect- since I have a thing for frames. ☻
The above frame was silver- I had it already, just spray painted it red, and stamped a word on some burlap. You can change it out each season with a new word. So fun!

This is my latest- ABC and burlap. I originally was just going to have the ABC's on glass but I really like it with the added burlap. The ABC idea came from Pottery Barn. (I can't wait to show you the bigger/better version of this!)

Burlap is a rough material with a funny smell and lots of loose little twines- basically it is fabric made from twine. I wasn't a fan of it much, until I started framing it and stamping on it, and now I love it. I am hooked on burlap. ☻ So many things I could make with it....stay tuned ☻

1 comment:

  1. love this...especially the typewriter alphabet!!! so fun. i have a ton of burlap and i can not wait to do your little ornaments.


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