
Friday, November 27, 2009

Burlap Word Ornaments {Tutorial}

Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving, and a Happy Black Friday with lots of good finds. I am happy to report, I did not step foot in a store today (well my husband did...) and instead I made lots of little crafty projects. ☻ Here is a fun and simple one that I really am loving...
Around Halloween, I picked up some burlap to make some Halloween crafts, and lo and behold, I never got around to it. So today I had a great idea to make ornaments out of it. Here is a tutorial so you can make some too if you like. And the best part-- no sewing- ☻ super easy!

Burlap Word Ornaments:
You need:
foam rubber stamps with letters
acrylic paint
sponge brush
Christmas fabric scraps
stich witchery, Wonder Under, or other fusible webbing product
scissors, iron

Decide what words you would like. Simply paint the stamp with the sponge brush and stamp on the burlap. Don't get too much paint on the stamp. ☻

Next, to get the frayed edge on the burlap, just pull some of the threads/twines out. Very easy. When you cut out your word, leave lots of extra on the sides for this. You don't even have to cut it out straight, because when you pull the threads/twines, it will straighten up. Trim off the sides if needed.
Next, you are going to cut a piece of fabric to match the size, and some stitch witchery (like Wonder Under but on a roll-used to hem skirts,etc. without sewing) and cut a piece of twine.

Next you just layer it all together and iron. The important thing here is to put a layer of your fusible webbing, then your twine, the another layer of webbing. Otherwise, the twine will not stay put, but will come out.

Iron it all together. Make sure the twine is in nice and tight.

Hang on your tree and enjoy your simple, easy, super cute, trendy, and thrifty new Christmas ornaments!
I am making lots of these-I think they are so cute! - they would make really cute neighbor gifts--if you are my neighbor and are reading this....oops...maybe you'll get one. ☻


  1. Just found your blog from a link on Crystal's Craft Spot. The ornaments you made are so very cute!

  2. Breaking out the wonderful advent calender you made for me last year. I bought one from your shop AND I won one!

    these ornaments are fabulous! I'll be linking in my sunday links post if that's okay with you!

  3. these are great...i really hope i can find the time to make these with my kids. they would have such a good time. and they really would be excellent gifts or tags on a gift

  4. We might have to make something like this in preschool! They are so cute and easy to make!!

  5. Got your message. Yes, of course use the photo and link up! =)

  6. Oh I just thought of how cute these would be as a wine tag when you give a bottle of wine as a gift or a hostess gift!

  7. VERY cute! I just made something similar...LOVE burlap!

  8. I will so be featuring these!! I won't be having any features during my boutique week but this is definitely going in my ornament collection! Thanks for sharing with me!

  9. These are so simple and so perfect for a tree. I love them.

    I was also admiring your car roll ups. I fell in love with them when I first saw them and knew my little one would go crazy over it. So I will be making one for him this Christmas. Thank you so much for sharing!

  10. So, so cute! I am filing these away at

    Thanks so much for sharing!!

  11. Just found your blog today and these are way too cute. And I love all things burlap lately! Cute and easy. Thanks!

  12. I just wanted to stop by and tell you that I posted this ornament as one of my favorites on Ucreate! THANKS!

  13. Just letting you know that I am featuring you on the Live.Teach.Create blog tomorrow! Great ornament!

  14. Darling Idea! We are missionaries and send a little ornament to our 125 + donors each December. I so wish I would have seen these to make- well they are on next years list to do!! THank you for a great idea!


  15. I love these ornaments! Our family does an ordainment exchange each year and I always make extra for my friends. I'm going to try to make these! I love all of your crafts on your blog! They are so cute! Thanks for the inspiration!


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