
Monday, November 23, 2009

Christmas Wreath Make-over

You have probably seen these ornament style wreaths everywhere. I have seen then at Pottery Barn and Pier One Imports. (I was going to post their photos but then mine really looks ugly still...) ☻ You can make this wreath in 15 minutes and for only 5 dollars.  Well above is my wreath before, that I have had for like 5 years. I like it- plain though.
So I used some wire and ornaments I picked up for 90 % off last year at Wal-mart and Target- so the ornaments cost next to nothing. Here is the after:

Now don't go look at the one at Pottery Barn- well you can look- it is so pretty I mean... it is really really pretty- but  it cost like $80. Yeah, I am not paying that much for a wreath. So my version will have to do. ☻  Happy Holidays!


  1. Gotta love the PB knockoffs!

    Passing the Kreativ Blogger Award on to you! Check my blog for the image and rules.

  2. i love your better than the PB one!! way cuter. great idea

  3. It looks fabulous...and the fact that it WASN'T $80 makes it even more fabulous!!


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