
Sunday, November 22, 2009

More Car Cozie and Car Cozy...{oh my!}

When I first started this blog, I never intended any of this to happen. ☻ I can't even keep track of where you can find links and my photos of my car cozie. In fact, I even found it a foreign language, here. (If you know what language it is, let me know. ☻)  I now know about websites I did not know about, because of this- (Have you checked out ? great ideas and links and lots of really cool stuff can be found there with links to other sites. I found the little car cozie on there today.

And while it is fun to see this.....I have a family to take care of.

They are my first priority.

So if you see less of me here this holiday season, that is why.

However... I finished some car cozies...and they are going up in the shop. And then I have more...and that will be it for a while.

And if you have a special order- I did not forget about you. I am working on it. ☻ ☻ ☻

And I have a few fabrics left (see below)- if you would like a kit, or just use my tutorial and make your own.  They really are fun- my boys love them and we take them everywhere.
(it was late when I typed this...can you tell?? I am way too tired....)

And now I have more car- oriented Christmas gifts to get to...if I get to them-- I'll have to show you- Right now baby is isn't quite 1 a.m. so he doesn't want to go to bed yet.... silly little guy!


  1. How funny that you posted this! I came by today to get the links to your site so I can blog about you in my post today. :) Glad your products are such a hit! But I think it's great that you aren't letting it take over. Hope you keep having fun with it.

  2. I am in the middle of two right now. One foe Hayden and one for my nephew. Thanks for always giving me great ideas.

    Are you coming to Utah for the holidays? I would love to see you if you are.


please know that I really appreciate you taking time to say a little something....and I love when you help me become a little smarter. so thanks. {please no soliciting. Comments with links to ads or in a language I cannot understand, will be rejected, as will comments that are not nice.}