Let's Get Started:

Here is what you need :

Step one: prepare the road piece

2. Next cut your 10 inch strip of yellow felt into 4 equal pieces. Cut your Wonder Under to match these pieces. Space evenly on the black fabric- the right side-(not the interfacing side) down the middle of the fabric. TIP: To get your pieces on evenly and easily, iron your road piece in 1/2 lengthwise to make a crease. Place the road lines right on the crease and they will be in the middle of the road now. ☻
With Wonder Under you don't have to sew. You can iron it in between the road and the yellow fabric, and it will fuse the two fabrics together. You can sew around the yellow lines too, if you want to reinforce them. Either way- your choice- but the Wonder Under really does keep it on.

Step Two: Prepare the pocket piece
(sorry different fabric here:))
1. The car piece that is 18 1/2 inches by 9 inches will be your pocket. Fold it in 1/2 and iron. Your pocket front will now be double thickness with the fold at the top of the pocket.
2. Place this piece with your contrasting fabric, lining up the raw edges. (The road will be sewn on the opposite edge of this contrasting fabric piece. )
3. Mark and pin the pocket piece every 3 inches, leaving an extra 1/4 inch on both ends of the pocket piece for seam allowances. So you will have 3 and 1/4 inches on the two ends, and all the pins in between will be every 3 inches. If it isn't exact, don't worry about it. It will still work and still fit cars- even if one pocket is a little too small or too big.
4. Once you have that all pinned, you are ready to sew the pocket on. This is important: When sewing the pockets, make sure to over stitch onto the backing piece, and to double stitch. So stitch the lines, making sure to back stitch on both ends, and then go back over and stitch the lines again. This reinforces the pockets since little cars and hands will be going in and out of the pockets often...☻
Put your pocket piece aside. Pick up your road piece.
NEXT- Attach ribbon closure.
The ribbon attaches right where the lines in the road are at. So fold your ribbon in 1/2 and sew it and back stitch it right on the edge of the road so that it is even with the yellow road lines.

NOW we are going to attach our road to our pocket piece.
With right sides together, sew the long side of the pocket piece to the long edge of the road piece.
You are almost finished!
Now let's attach the backing:
1. Placing right sides together, place the large car piece (18 1/2 inches by 12) on top of the pocket and road piece you just sewed. Pin all edges together. Sew 1/4 inch all the way around, leaving 3-4 inches open along the long edge of the road side. Make sure to catch all layers, but make sure you don't catch the end of the ribbon in your seams. Make sure you catch the end of the ribbon you already sewed on inside of your seam.
Trim your seams. Turn right side out. Press. Now you are ready to top stitch. When top stitching, sew opening closed. Top stitch all the way around the edge of the road, close to the edge, and outside edge of the pocket. I top stitched along the top edge of the pocket backing too, so that on the backing, there are two lines down the center, and stitching all the way around the edge.
AND now you are done!
Please let me know if this makes sense or if you have any questions. I had my husband help me with this, and he really wanted me to be specific, so I hope I was. ☻
If you make one of these, will you please leave me a comment and link it to this post? thanks! I would love to see yours!
Leave a comment if you have any questions and I'll comment back to you with the answer.
In my etsy shop, I am selling already made ones, and kits. With this post, I am giving away a kit that includes all the pieces you need to make your own. I am also giving one away made.
♥ ☻♥ ☻ ♥ ☻ ♥
Leave me a comment if you want to enter! And we'll have the give-a-way end Thursday of this week.
Here is what you can do if you would like some EXTRA ENTRIES:
(make sure to tell me in your comment what you did for extra entries)
*Followers- 5 extra
*Add Little Gems Button to your blog-5 extra... on the left-I'm still working on the code but there is a button you can add for now (it may need some fixin' up --later ;))
*visit my etsy shop and add me to your favorites-5 extra
*Purchase from my etsy shop-10 extra- (more items coming to shop soon)
This is super cool, do you ship to the UK and if so please can you let me know costs. Thanks very much. I also subscribe and think you blog is great
Yes I can ship to the UK. How I do shipping: once I know where the item is going, I figure out what it will cost me to ship- and you pay it- so if you don't mind paying for shipping, I don't mind shipping it anywhere ;)
I would love to win one and I follow your blog!
I'd love to win, it is super cute. I added myself to your follower list too.
Enter me! I am a faithful follower of your blog and i just checked out your etsy site:)
oh I loved these! Thanks for sharing the love! Enter me, and I am one of your faithful followers!! You have some of the best ideas.
That is so cute. I know several little guys who would love one so I'd love to win it! But I'm so excited that you posted a tutorial in case I don't win. I don't sew anything, but I might be able to follow your step-by-step instructions. :)
id love to win one of these. do i need to leave extra comments for all the extra entries or do u sort that out? I am also a follower of your blog AND your store is on my favorites in etsy
Nadia- no extra comments are needed -just tel me like you did ;) good luck:)
That is so cute!! My friend sent me the link to this and I think it is just so cute!!
Sharla, Camryn would LOVE this! I follow your blog (and once in awhile talk to you in person:) I will go right now and follow your etsy/ subscribe, comment etc.! I WANNA WIN THIS ONE!!!
This is such a great idea for little guys! I am definitely going to have to try this if I don't win :) Oh, and I am a blog follower!!
Of course you're on my favorites on Etsy and I follow your blog. I love your site and so wish we lived closer! This car cozie is such a good idea - you're amazing! THanks for the chance to win!
This is adorable!!!
I follow your blog!
Your shop is in my Etsy Favorites! (Jinglescraps)
I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this idea! My boys would flip over these! :)
This is a great idea...I have legos and cars all over my car/house/diaper bag, you name it! My little boy (who is missing trick or treating because he just got sick :( would love to win.
Thank you so much for posting this! So generous of you!! I found you from UCreate
I am making some for Christmas - brilliant idea-
Super cute! Definitely on my "to make" list for Christmas!!
this is a great idea! i have 3 little boys who would love this. thanks for the tutorial!
Genius! I love seeing sweet crafts... for BOYS!!! I'd love to get one of your kits! Genius!
I just found your tutorial. You're very clever! I think I'll make one for my grandson.
This is SO CUTE! What a fabulous gift idea. Thanks so much, I'll be linking.
Can I post this on http://mypetitepurse.blogspot.com??
I really like this.
My five year old was looking over my shoulder as I read oneprettything this morning and he INSISTED that we check out your tutorial.
Now I've got to make one! Well done.
Thanks for your awesome car cozy tutorial. Love, love, love it! I can't wait to try it out and make a few for my own mini car enthusiasts. I posted a little blurb and link to your tutorial on Otterhop.com:
Oh, my! This is awesome...so simple and yet, I never would have thought of it on my own. I actually made my kids some fabric roads out of denim last year, but attaching them to something like this would make them a lot more useful for when we're on the go. My son LOVES cars and they're always getting dropped when we go places. I'll add this to my list of projects to do at http://helpinglittlehands.blogspot.com/ and when I get around to making and posting about them, I'll be sure to link up to you. Thanks! Polly :)
a HUGE thank you for posting a tutorial for this! i just finished making one. 8 more to go before christmas :) here's mine... http://jarenandkathryngilbert.blogspot.com/2009/11/introducing-car-cozie.html
WHat a great idea! I LOVE it and have a little boy that would too!
I love it! I am going to make two for my boys. This should help keep them quiet during church. Thanks for posting a tutorial!
(I know the givaway is closed but just wanted to say THANK YOU for a great tutorial. My son will love this!)
What a fabulous idea! I included it on my blog today for Tutorial Tuesday. I have two boys, so I love finding a project I can make especially for them. :)
Thank you SO much for this tutorial! I just finished making one for my little guy's Christmas present. He's just started getting into matchbox cars, and this is going to make him so happy!
Thank you for the idea and the tutorial! I took the idea and ran with it!!! Here is what I ended up with as well as an idea or two for ones in the future! http://urbanpioneerwoman.blogspot.com/2009/11/another-awesome-homemade-gift-ideafor.html
these are so cool. I just happened upon your tutorial. Wish I would have seen how to make em earlier, I just bought 4 from a little ole lady here in Jacksonville at a craft show this past weekend. She named hers Carages. I guess it a take on cars and garages. Anyway, was looking for a tutorial to make one more. Thank you.
this is brilliant, have a niece who loves trains, so will plan to adapt slightly and put this on my list of things to make
I just finished making 2 of these for my 2 boys. They are going to make great Christmas gifts and I can't wait to keep them in the diaper bag...I know it will always keep them busy, without me having to dig around finding cars! Thank you for the awesome tutorial--it made it so easy to make these!!
Thank you for the tutorial. I just made two today! One for my nephew and on for my son. They turned out great and were easy to do.
Thanks for the great tutorial. I was able to to make one for my 2 year old nephew for Christmas. http://sewincrediblycrafty.blogspot.com/2009/12/car-cozi.html
Thank you for this tut! I made two the other night. Check them out on my blog!
Thanks for the tutorial. My 3 little boys are going to be thrilled when they unwrap these on Monday in anticipation of our long plane trip to see family for Christmas!
I just posted pictures and linked back. The tutorial was fabulous!
I've posted a link to your tutorial on my blog. I love your site and ideas and have bookmarked you for other great ideas!
thanks for sharing.
I just love this Idea, I've posted a link as well to my craft blog. Thanks so much for sharing your great tutorial. What a great blog!
I linked this post from my post:
Thanks for the tutorial! It helped guide me as I made my own version!
Hi Sharla, I tried your tutorial and linked back. Thanks for sharing your pattern!
Hi Sharla! Thank you so much for sharing your tutorial. I tried my hand at it & just LOVED how it turned out! Here's a link back to my post!
Thanks again! What a great project!!
Hi - I follow your blog and love it! My sister and I have recently started a new blog featuring tutorials, recipes, and ideas from some of our favorite sites. You were one of the blogs we picked for our first features! If you follow this link http://ificould-ificould.blogspot.com/p/featured-sites.html it will take you to a page where you can grab a button saying you were featured on if i could...
Thanks for helping us kick off the start of our blog!
One more thing.... I couldn't find the text to put your button on my blog... If you get it working, please let me know because I would love to grab your button.
Thanks for your comments on our blog! We actually created the site ourselves using some blogger tips we got online. One of our favorites is jenieshell.
Here's the tutorial for putting a button on your blog with the HTML to grab:
Hope it helps!
Thank you so much for sharing this! I just made one - my very first sewing project. I bought a sewing machine last year, but have been very nervous to get started. But I feel much more confident now that I have made the car cozie and know that I could do more! It's lovely to be able to make and create! Thanks again!
Hi Sharla, just letting you know that I made this car caddy again and I am linking back. Best, KJ
These are so cute! I love looking at all the variations with the car caddy!
I made a car caddy recently (based on Jill's tute) and had so much fun with it. Even better, my son plays with it regularly, which makes all the effort totally worth it. I think I'm going to have to try making one like yours soon just for the fun of it. I love the fabrics you used!
This is such a great idea for my nephew. I never know what to give him for gifts, but he's crazy about cars. This will be perfect! Thanks for the tutorial.
Hi, Sharla! I love this project; thanks so much for taking the time to share the tutorial. I just linked to this at Sewing and Growing. I tried to post the link below, but I had trouble...sorry, i am new to blogging and trying to figure it all out. Thanks again for this tut!
Thanks for this Sharla! I made one of these over the weekend, the tutorial was really easy to follow and the result is great! I've blogged it here: http://bellgirl.com.au/2010/07/commuter-cars.html
Thanks so much for this fabulous idea. You asked for those who made one to leave a comment, so here's mine.
Thanks again!
This is probably one of the only tutorial that I keep coming back to!
Here's my version using both yours and Jill's tutorials. Thanks for the instructions.
Thank you for this tutorial. I just finished making one and it came out different than yours. Instead of the backing fabric showing in-between the road and pocket like yours is, the backing part and opening of the pocket is on the edge instead of the middle. I rarely sew and so I'm sure I made a mistake somewhere. It won't change the usefulness of it, in fact I'm quite pleased with my accomplishment. But I have read and re-read the instructions and can't figure out what I did wrong. I don't have pictures up on my blog yet but I will later today. If you could look at it and tell me where I messed up, that would be fantastic.
What a great idea. Thanks for sharing! I put mine on my blog: http://patternshmattern.blogspot.com/2011/02/car-roll-cozy.html
featured this on my blog today!
Thanks for the fun idea and tutorial. I had a great time making this for my 2-year-old's birthday! http://thisjourney-withjoy.blogspot.com/2011/06/young-boy-gift-car-cozy.html
It's been fun to see the other versions your readers have made, as well!
This project was easy to make and the results are fantastic! I've received a lot of compliments on this car cozy and have made some as gifts for my friends kids. My son loves to play with his and it is a great, QUITE, activity that he can pull out and play with at church when he starts to get really antsy.
I ran into a couple of snags the first time I made this cozy. When getting supplies off of the list of materials, it listed yellow flannel but in the directions it stated yellow felt, which made more sense when I actually got to that part. Also, it wasn't really clear how to attach the ribbon, so the first car cozy I had attached the ribbon to both sides, which turned out wrong but I figured out what went wrong and fixed it on the next one I made. Overall, fantastic project. Fast and easy to make and passed my little critics test!
This is so cute! I so wish I could sew! And I was excited to find another Sharla, it doesn't happen often. :)
-Sharla at The Mom Nerd
I didn't do the road part, but used the rest of your tutorial!
Thank you for this tutorial. I made a similar one for my little nephew. He loved it!!!
Thanks for the tutorial! Just made my first car cozie, I think I'm addicted!
I am in the process of making this adorable cozie for my grandson; however, the backing is short by 1/2 inch. I measured and re measured my pieces, what did I do wrong? This is so cute!
Can you please email me? It sounds like you cut the piece too small. I can't help you with more information. :) Thanks
I just made this for my grandson for Christmas - so cute!
I am sure he will love it!
Thank for this great tutorial. I just made one for my Christmas Salvation Army Angel gift for a little boy who likes cars - included the cars as well as part of the gift. Quick, easy very nice gift.
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