
Wednesday, January 20, 2010

DIY Photo Tile Coaster + Gift Tag Poem

Sorry about the lack of posts lately... Things at home in the "real world" are needing my attention these days...
DIY Photo Tile Coasters and Gift Tag Poem
These things were all over the place during the holidays. These are some I made for gifts during the holidays- and still need to mail....oops!  Like I said, other things have needed my attention...Sorry about that. The gift will come ...soon..someday...
HERE is where you can download the gift-tag-poem I wrote to go with these-if you want to make them in the future, or for Valentine's Day. Although-you may need to change a few words on the poem -to make it fit-and you have my permission to do so. ☻
OR you can get the words to the poem here. PLEASE REMEMBER THIS IS FOR PERSONAL USE ONLY!  Do not publish this or claim it as your own. 

Supplies for Photo Tile Coasters:
Tiles from Home Depo or Lowes- any kind you like
Modge Podge
Felt circles (like to go on the bottom of chairs)
Acrylic Paint
Clear Acrylic Sealer (found at Lowes or Home Depo)
1.If you pick tiles like I did, the porcelain black and white ones, you will need to sand the edges and paint the edges and bottom so they don't look so much like a tile.
2. When it is dry, modge podge your photo to the top. I sanded the edges of my photos to give it a distressed look.
3. When that is completely dry, and you made need to wait a few days, apply a clear acylic sealer. We used a spray and you can buy this at Home Depo. or Lowes. It seals the photo, so when you put a cup on it, the coaster will be protected.
 4. Apply the felt circles to the bottom of the coaster and you are done! Your coaster is ready for use!
As always, if you make some of these, I would love to see them. Leave a comment and I'll take a look. Happy Crafting!


  1. This is such a good idea! Your coasters don't look like tile coasters...I love that. I;m also thinking that maybe my sisters and my mom and dad would love to get a set of coasters of me!! haha. No, my sisters would not appreciate that. At all. They would probably rather my son...he's much cuter and sweeter. haha.

  2. What a great idea. Thanks for the poem download.

  3. Great coasters! I'm trying to make them for my family... Ive never used mod podge. Are you supposed to put mod podge on top of the picture in addition to using it between the tile and picture? Thanks!

  4. Ellen, the instructions for Modge Podge should be on the bottle, but you put it on the tile, and then place the photo down, and then Modge Podge on top of that. So you were correct :) good luck! I am making more this year :)

  5. Hi, I started the tiles yesterday. i used 4 layers of modge podge and 4 layers of mod podge acrylic sealer spray. Is it completely waterproof and heat proof? i'm scared to test! the spray can doesn't say waterproof...

  6. Hi Taylor Grace-
    I don't recall using that much modge podge or acrylic sealer. However, I am still using these at coasters everyday and I made them a while ago. I have had not problems. I would let it dry completely. I have no idea about the heat proof thing. I am making more this week for gifts and don't anticipate any problems-based on past experience. I would just make sure they are really dry after each coat. :)

  7. I just made some coasters of my own with mod podge and an acrylic gloss sealer, but they're still tacky to the touch. There's cork on the bottom of the tiles, so they don't stick to each other, but when I set a cup on there and try to pick up the cup, the coaster goes with it. I mod podged and sealed on 11/25, and it's now 11/28.

    What do I do? Will it get better over time?

  8. MelodicBlue-I think you really need the coasters to sit for at least a week. The Modge Podge has to try thoroughly, and then the sealer also has to dry. Last year when I made them, I did not allow them to dry long enough- only like 3 days- and I had a similiar problem. However, the ones pictured, that I made a while ago, I still use everyday. The key is letting them dry a lot longer than you think you need to let them dry. I'd say at least a week. Good luck! I hope it works :)

  9. After you place photo on tile do you let it dry first then apply the modge on top of photo ...or modge the gile then modge the top right after?

  10. I'm having trouble downloading your poem. Would you be able to post it here in plan text so I can copy it? Thank you!!


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