
Thursday, February 25, 2010

Because I have a sense of humor

I try not to take myself too seriously. And I know this is mostly a craft blog...and we shall return to that shortly. (I have about a dozen 1/2 finished projects in the works...)
But because I am a mom, and most days don't go as planned, I thought I would share a few things that have made me laugh lately.

The other night I took  friend out for her birthday- we both needed some time out of our house without children, and we did a little shopping. We were at Old Navy and saw these t-shirts for all of 97 cents.

How could we pass it up? And yes, my husband thought it was very funny. (Anyway it is appropriate-as I have 3 little boys... but I think it will just be pajamas. I got some CUTE p.j. pants for 3.97 too. Love you Old Navy and your clearance!)

And if you have been following me for a while, you know I like comics. So here are a few funny ones just for you moms:

And in case you are forgetting to laugh at yourself and your life- which is easy to do - when things are is a great reminder for all of us:

And now I will go back to cleaning my very cluttered kitchen at 11:30 at night... :)
Have a Great Weekend...and remember to laugh!


  1. Yeah, I needed to remember that as I cried myself to sleep for the first night in MANY! But at least I slept deeply for the first time in a long while :) We've got construction going on here and it's driving me crazy with my kidlets!!! (and now we have a sitter for the weekend and can't go out because of the construction)

  2. i found your blog this morning and have spent all day reading all your it...I too have 3 boys, so I totally relate! Thanks for giving me something else to keep me from Mt. Laundry!

  3. Mothers with little boys unite! :)
    I love meeting other women with lots of little boys running around their house. It is just not the same as little girls- much more exciting/energetic, right?

  4. That is funny. I think being a mom qualifies you as crazy for sure. Thanks for stopping by my blog.

  5. Hey Sharla! Good to hear from you. I enjoyed looking through your blog and seeing all your creative goodies. I love that stuff--I don't do it as much as I'd like, but I love looking. My blog is mostly family stuff--keeping the relatives in the loop and all that. I just stalk other blogs for the creative stuff :)

  6. Thanks so much for stopping by my blog! Feel free to link up to anything! Your's is great as welL!!! Definately be adding you to my blog roll!!! Thanks again!!!


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