
Tuesday, February 23, 2010

A Good Buy: New Lamps!

Sometimes you buy something because you NEED it. And it turns out to be a good investment. Other times, you buy something because you WANT it. Sometimes it is a mixture of both-a want and need.  I am no Thrifty Decor Chick (she is amazing :)), but I have been known to make some good- GREAT purchases in my life. Being that I am married, I often have to convince my husband that my "purchase" is a great buy. And usually, I am right-about the great buy-and my husband will agree. ☻
 Case and point: the story of the lamps. For a long time I have been wanting, NEEDING new lamps. Well, a few weeks ago I found these beauties at Home Goods for 29.99 each, after looking all over for some lamps. I bought them. Even though my husband wanted me to sell our current lamps first. (then we would have no lights in our great room-so I had to do it my way. Plus, when you see something for a good price, you buy it, if you need it, right?) Well, 29.99 isn't fantastic, but it is decent for a lamp. These were solid and and good size, and after looking, the price was right. Well now here is the AMAZING part of the story (but you will have to scroll down to see the picture....)

Our current lamp, below, I bought when I purchased my first home. They were on clearance, at ShopKo. (oh how I miss you - ShopKo....) While they did not really fit my style, I liked kokopelli's at the time (2001), and the price was right: all three were a total of $30. THAT was a very good purchase. The day after buying my lamps above, I sold these for $50 on Craig's List. I had a line-up of people who wanted them too. Dang- I could have asked more $....but oh well.  I was only asking $40, but so many people wanted them. (I live in the Southwest, so these are the style here....)
So the grand total for my new lamps was $10.  Now that is a GREAT BUY! (I'm so glad my husband listens to me when it comes to these things....:))


  1. GREAT purchase. Glad it all worked out and that you got such a smokin' deal over all!!! Way to go.

  2. Awesome lamp! I wish I was as crafty as you are and could make some of the things you do! I am trying to be more crafty. Well anyways, I just had something I wanted to show. Check it out when you get a chance.

  3. so IMPRESSIVE! I'm gonna have to give craigs list another go!

    and the lamps - absolutely lovely!


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