
Monday, February 22, 2010

I Need You at My Little Gems :)

OK- so I wasn't sure what to call this post...but I am making some little changes/improvements here on this blog and I really need your support/help to make it happen!!
I am going to start a few things- one at a time- and we'll see how it goes!

FIRST- FRIDAY FEATURES: You know you love seeing what others are creating! I certainly do. So I would like to feature you. I am especially interested in those of you that have tried my projects and posted them on your blog. I see them all the time. You have great twists and ideas on things I come up with, and I want to share that with my readers. :) I am also interested in your original ideas too.

SECOND- GUEST BLOGGERS: If you have a craft/kid/sewing/creative blog, I would love for you to be a guest blogger at My Little Gems. It can be a post you did in the past, or a current post. It can be a modge podge of several things you have created, or it can be a tutorial. It can be a totally original idea, or an idea you got from another blogger or magazine, etc. (Just make sure the correct credit is given).  As always, you it will be linked to you and your blog.  I would also like to introduce you too. I am especially interested in my readers, followers, and all other creative people that are alive at this moment. (OK you know what I mean right?)

THIRD- SPONSORS-GET THE WORD OUT-  I am throwing it out there- I have many wonderful online shops that I shop at and browse, and I would LOVE to feature yours and share it with my readers. It can be an etsy shop, or a website, fabric shop, photography, digital design,  or anything...  If you would like to also advertise your shop or business, for a very very small fee-I'm talking almost free..., I would love to post an add for you. ** I am also interested in someone who would like to trade advertising,  to help me with a blog in making this site look more appealing. :)

So if ANY of those sound even a LITTLE bit interesting to you....PLEASE email me at
little gems crafts (all one word) {at} gmail {dot } com.  I am really looking forward to getting to know you all better and see the incredible things you are creating!

Happy Crafting!

1 comment:

please know that I really appreciate you taking time to say a little something....and I love when you help me become a little smarter. so thanks. {please no soliciting. Comments with links to ads or in a language I cannot understand, will be rejected, as will comments that are not nice.}