
Saturday, February 20, 2010

A Rainy Day and a few questions...

just a few rhetorical questions about motherhood....
WHY IS IT that when you have a long list of projects you would like to do, you can never find the time, much less the kitchen table to use as a surface to do the projects because it is covered with newspaper and dishes?

WHY IS IT that when you need to be somewhere on time, you have two children with poopy diapers right when you are trying to walk out the door? Do they know that you are trying to go somewhere and are they trying to stop you??

WHY IS IT that when daddy is out of town, and everyone is clean and in their jammies, a few naughty boys flood the bathroom and cover themselves in water?
and WHY IS IT that the moment you sit down to feed that baby and put him to bed, the other children decide they have to poop at the same time and have a poop fest together?
WHY IS IT that when daddy is gone, and you are unable to talk to him at all because he is gone saving the world, your baby is once again, sick, sick, sick?

Such is motherhood. Such is life. If there is anything I keep learning over and over and over {apparently I haven't learned it yet} it is that I should cut out everything that doesn't really matter and just focus on what really matters. Because right now that is all I can do-focus on caring for my children.

When it rains it pours, right?
Speaking of rain-- it is actually pouring today-something I wish would happen more often in this Arizona heat!

HERE is the little guy a few day ago- now very sick and hardly wants to leave his mother's arms.
if He looks big to you, He IS! A 23 lbs. at 8 months-{everyone GASP here and say to yourself, "that baby is HUGE!" granted, he was a 10 lb. baby....with health problems, so we aren't complaining about his size. But he is giving his brothers a run for their money! Watch out! }

So all those late nights for crafting, yeah, they aren't happening right now. The projects are piling up too. Anyone want to come make them for me?

AND I just have to say how grateful I am for GOOD FRIENDS. I have one- Rainy- and she is actually "rescuing me" today. First she came over this morning and helped me get my kids ready so I could rush to the doctor. Now, she is  going to get bread and a prescription for my baby....not to mention the fact that she is going to  watch my kids later today too.  And she has 3 kids of her own. Thank goodness for friends like her! Everyone needs a friend like Rainy for those days when it "rains".
Happy Weekend.


  1. Pour little guy! He is too cute! But my little one has him beat he is 22 pounds and 6 months!!! HUGE!

    The sun will come out tomorrow! :)

  2. Sounds like you have been through the ringer. Hope your baby gets better and you get a break. It sounds like you are in good hands.

  3. I am sure you would love nothing more than some craft therapy right now. Wish I could come over and give you a hand. Want to send some to LA for the weekend? LOL.

  4. Sharla, you asked the questions that have been on every mom's mind at some point. But you really hit the nail on the head, "focus on caring for my children." Everything else will work itself out (well, maybe not the dishes, but who cares?).

  5. I hope your baby feels better soon. It's hard to watch your children be sick and you can only do so much to help them. It's a good thing all they want is mommy to feel better!

    I finally finished my little placemat book:

    It was so fun and I hope you don't mind that I put it up on my blog. I was sure to link your blog to the post so you will get credit for giving me the great idea! Thanks again!

  6. P.S. I also featured you as on of my 5 favorite blogs as part of Tribe Talk over at It's a HodgePodge Life ( that's ok!

  7. So you mean that my kids aren't the only ones that do all that? I'm teased mercilessly because we can't seem to be anywhere on time. Its either because there is poop involved or somebody is having a meltdown. I understand, we've been living it too with Darrell working far away. Its tough and my kids are a little older. Hope the baby gets better soon.

  8. Can I borrow your friend? Also my son was 25 lbs at 9 months.

  9. I would love to see your 'placemat feature' favorites! Thanks for thinking of me....


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