
Monday, February 15, 2010

DIY Play Kitchen from a Nightstand {in progress}

I have been keeping my eye open for an old nightstand....and I found one for 6.50. I only wanted to pay $5, but oh well. With the help of my amazing husband, and all the others who have made a play kitchen out of a nightstand and shared their ideas, we decided to do the same. Who says kitchens are only for girls?? Well I have thought it over long and hard, and I think it is O.K. if we have a play kitchen in our house. ☻

We used a lot of scrap wood, and after looking everywhere for a bowl for the sink, We found one for a few dollars at Goodwill. We did buy a few things like hardware, screws and bolts, paint, etc. - and I'll show you all that later. We just made a hole for the sink. ....

And now I've gotta go spray paint a few parts and help my husband prime this baby. Can't wait to finish it and show you what we come up with! (I don't think this will be our only kitchen we make....DIY is just too fun!)


  1. Looks great so far. I am so excited for your boys. When I taught kinder it was the boys who loved the kitchen area the most. I couldn't stop at just one! DIY is addictive!

  2. Can't wait to see how it turns out! I love the little homemade kitchen's people are making!

    Don't forget to post it to Talented Tuesday's tomorrow on My Frugal Family!

  3. this is such a fun is going to look amazing. i can not wait to see it finished

  4. CAn't wait to see how this turns out, please continue to post the steps.

  5. yay! I can't wait to see your finished kitchen.

    Mine got painted today and I've been busy making the little details like burners. So fun! My son's favorite toy in the church nursery so far seems to be the play kitchen, so I think I'm crafting in the right direction.

  6. I can't wait to see it! This is so exciting!!!

    Don't forget to enter the giveaway to win a tankini of your choice!

  7. That's going to be great! My boys had a kitchen when they are little. There are plenty of male chefs in the world!

  8. What a GREAT idea!! How did I not think of this?? Thanks for posting the idea. BTW, I linked to you from


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