
Thursday, February 4, 2010

Make a Chore Chart from a Place mat

So if you read the post right below this one, you can probably guess that a "Chore Chart" is desperately needed in this house. {Although if you are a mom of young kids, you know that you do most of the "chores" anyway.}
Well no more in our house! {yes, insert laughter here}
My four-year-old son wanted a chore chart. {yes, we'll see how long that lasts...} And I wanted to make stuff out of dollar store place mats. So we both win. ☻
1. Using the backside of the place mat {all these crafts are the same type of place mat from the Dollar Tree}
I simply sewed some pockets. I used a pocket off of some old toddler jeans, and cut the others to match from fabric I had in my stash. Pockets make this chore chart very versatile. You can change and update the jobs/chores anytime.
2. I used my favorite "Wonder Under" to attach the numbers to the front of the pockets.
3. A cut up plastic tape measure makes the handle. I also sewed a strip of the tape measure along the bottom, sewing at every inch, so that it made little loops. This is where the "stars" go when all the chores are done.
4. This is light enough that it can be hung with some magnet clips on the refrigerator, or it can be hung up on the corner of a chair, a hook, anywhere you want to put it so that your child will see it.

5. The job charts are chipboard, with modge-podge paper on each side, and hot-glued to a Popsicle stick. When one job is complete, the card flips over to say "done!". I plan to replace these or update these, but we needed a job chart now- because mommy is tired of doing all the chores and...I have a very anxious 4-year-old who wants one.
6. The stars are for when all the jobs are complete for that day. I cut a star from felt and hot-glued it to a paperclip. The paper clips clip right onto the yellow tape measure loops at the bottom.
7. WOW- looks like someone did all their jobs! The little denim pocket (from an old pair of jeans) at the end of the tape measure is to store all the stars.  When he completes his little chores, I told him he can have a quarter. When he gets 4 quarters, we'll go to The Dollar Tree and buy more place mats. Just kidding. He can buy a dollar toy. Let's hope this works. He is excited to do chores, and now he has a super cute chore chart. Maybe he'll want to do chores all day! ha!
I'm thinking maybe I need to make another one for potty training my 2 year old....except I'm not ready to potty train him....yet. But He is totally ready.
There are some super cute chore charts on Tip Junkie. HERE is the link for more ideas for Chore Charts.
I have one more fun place mat craft coming up soon!


  1. I am loving all these place mat crafts! Keep them coming!

  2. I just got a sewing machine for my birthday so now i'm going to have to try out all your cute little placemat ideas!

  3. i love this...i love this idea. my kids could use a chore chart of some kind to keep things a little more orderlynal

  4. Just about the cutest chore cart ever. Way to make that dollar place mat count. I also love your idea about the 4 quarters. I might just have to do a knock off...

  5. This is such a well-thought out idea, and inexpensive to boot! Awesome!

    I will be featuring you on my blog tomorrow. Go ahead a grab a brag button!

  6. Nice job! Come link your cute tute at my party: Thursday's Treasures!!

  7. Love it! I want to do one for everything now! lol one for bed time for chores (i'm not introducing the idea to abby). She will love this kind of thing! There's no way mine will ever look as good as yours though. EVER!

  8. Much more crafty than my laminated jobbies. I bet my kids would like this better. :)

  9. Very Cute! I have to make one for my kids. Great idea!

  10. Hi, I'm doing a blog write up on chore charts and I came across your great idea. see the link at

    click on "20 day get organized challenge" on right.

    Blessings & thanks,

  11. Oh I love this! I have been looking for something cute, easy, effective and sturdy. This is just the thing! Thanks so much for sharing.


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