
Wednesday, February 3, 2010

You Know Your House is a Mess when..

You know your house is a mess when
It takes you all day long just to clean the kitchen...
Your four-year old comes home from a trip to Costco with Dad and walks in and says,
"WOW...It looks good in here. (long pause) It's CLEAN!"
yeah, we've got "messy house issues over here...." just sayin'.


  1. Look on the bright side, compliments from four year olds are the truest of them all- that is one thing I learned from teaching preschool.

  2. I feel ya.... I started following your blog about 2 weeks ago, and was thinking about you today at the dollar store (looking for placemats... didn't find any) But I totally feel ya on the clean house thing. My neighbor came over the other night, and I had actually put the laundry away, and she said... "Wow it looks great in here.." Did I mention I have a cleaning lady once a week... so yeah we have issues too!

  3. LOL! That's totally my life lately! I appreciate your honesty. It makes me feel better. :-) ...and, I love your blog. You're very talented and fun!

  4. i know...i always feel like my house threw up on itself...there is always stuff everywhere. maybe that means i should spend more time cleaning and less time sewing...nah, that does not sound like fun.

  5. You're hilarious! :)

    Let's just say Dave has done more work cleaning in our kitchen than I have this last week. It's bad!

  6. Son funny you should post this because I got up today and couldn't believe what a wreck my house was! It's horrible so I've been working on it today, so glad to know I'm not the only cluttered person out there!


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