
Monday, March 15, 2010

Baking with Flax seed Meal {great egg substitute}

Have you ever baked with Flax seed Meal. It is very healthy for you! Full of omega-3's and fiber. Plus you can use it for an egg substitute. How cool is that?
As it says on the package, use one tablespoon flax seed meal and 3 tablespoons water. Mix in a bowl, and let sit for a bit. Use as a substitute for an egg in any baking recipe.

We have been using flax seed meal for a while. Here are some cookies we made with it. We used no eggs in this recipe. Sometimes I'll use 1/2 eggs and 1/2 flax seed meal- to up the fiber in a recipe. I do this often with muffins.
Don't the cookies look good? I'll tell you ...they were good. :)
Here is the recipe I used:

In the cookies above, I used craisins, pecans, and a little chocolate chips- although they were good with just the craisins and pecans.
****You can buy it at almost any  food or health food store- I think I got mine at Sunflower Market. I keep it in the fridge, and use it for all kinds of stuff- but I love that you can use it for baking as an egg substitute.


  1. Thanks for sharing this. My little one is allergic to eggs so this will be very helpful!

  2. Have you tried Bobs REd mill 10-grain mix??The muffin recipe on there is SO GOOD. THanks for shring this cookie recipe. The kids and I might have to give this a shot. happy Monday to you!

  3. Awww, man, where was this tip when we first found out my son had an egg allergy and we were trying to avoid it in everything? Now he's able to have eggs in baked items, but I still might give this a try! Sounds like a great, healthy alternative! Thanks!

  4. I love this tip! Being vegan I am always looking for great egg substitutes.

  5. Thanks for this tip - I just bought a huge bag from Costco, so I need some recipes.

  6. Here's a little extra tidbit. If you are in TUcson you can buy it even cheaper at the bread outlet on Broadway by the Dunn Edwards. Also, try using 2 tbsp flax meal, 3 tbsp water and 1/8 tsp baking powder per egg. It gives it a little more lift and a little extra flax. I use this sub in all my pancakes, waffles, cookies and almost anything else I can.

  7. So smart. My good friend has a baby with an egg allergy- can't wait to pass this along to her.

  8. i am intrigued!!! that is an amazing idea.

  9. Thanks for sharing this recipe! I just bought some Bobs Flaxseed Meal and was curious how to use it.
    Those cookies look delicious!


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