
Sunday, March 14, 2010

Winner, Winner, Winner, Steak for Sunday Dinner!

I just wanted to say that. And we sort-of had steak. I had a bite and ate my chicken. My husband had steak, and then we had birthday cake- cause my 30th birthday was- yet again- last week! Crazy I know- how many of those can you have in a lifetime?

I LOVED reading your favorite things. Thanks so much for entering and sharing those things with me. It makes me feel like I know my readers a bit better...and I like that. :) Thank you. I know there are a lot of great give-a-ways out there and I appreciate you taking time to have some fun and enter this one.


APRON goes to - ArJay and Magdelyn who said:
Wow three prizes and you want me to pick one! I have no idea which is my fav, I love vintage aprons, already have a wall for the quote picked out, and I have already planned how my life will be easier at church with the tote.

I am a follower

SIGN goes to entry - Texas Gal who said:All three are super cute and make me happy for winter to end - I like the sign the best! :) ~Adrienne

 TOTE BAG goes to - Amber Omer who said: Wow, how fun! You are amazing! I can't decide my favorite 'em all. I think I would use the bag the most (always a need and I only have a couple plain ole black diaper bags). But  I love the apron! And I'm a sucker for vinyl also. Thanks for doing fun prizes and surprises!

IF YOU ARE WINNER- you have a week to contact me through email: little gems crafts (with no spaces)  {at} gmail {dot} com   so I can mail you your prize. If I don't hear from you in a week, I will pick another winner. So please contact me so I can get you your prize.

NOW...if you did not win, I will show you a little "how to" make an easy apron, and tote bag later.

And we will get back to more fun posts. Thanks so much for reading, following, and playing along!
Happy happy Spring- it is coming soon!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats to everyone! Please, share the tutorials. I am loving your creations and want to try and duplicate them. Come visit us. We've got a fun giveaway going on this week too!


please know that I really appreciate you taking time to say a little something....and I love when you help me become a little smarter. so thanks. {please no soliciting. Comments with links to ads or in a language I cannot understand, will be rejected, as will comments that are not nice.}