
Thursday, April 22, 2010

Blog Swap with Crystal's Craft Spot

Hi Everyone! I am so excited to blog swap with My Little Gems today. I just love her blog and great craft ideas.

I am Crystal from Crystal's Craft Spot. Its my little spot to share my current craft projects, tutorials, recipes, and ideas I want to use in the future. I started my blog because I didn't want to overload our family blog with my new creations. I try to post something new almost everyday and I enjoy a variety of crafts. It is my way to relax and take a break from a busy day. Here's a little more about me: I've been married for 5 1/2 years to the greatest guy ever.
I am a stay at home mom of two adorable little girls (4 and almost 2). They keep me very busy. When they are awake we spend our time playing, learning, making messes, and occasionally cleaning.

I teach my daughter preschool at home and we post our fun activities and crafts on our preschool blog.
I love to read, watch Lost, and movies
I love Blogs! I love looking at others for crafty inspiration, I love staying in touch with old friends and making new friends (I show up as the Harris family if I comment or follow your blog-sorry for any confusion)

Here are some of my favorite projects you will find on my blog:

My bedroom furniture

Placemat Pillow

Come by Crystal's Craft Spot anytime for more crafts and tutorial. Thanks again for letting me stop by. Its been a lot of fun!

Thanks Crystal. Crystal has been a long time reader of My Little Gems, so it has been fun to get to know her through blogging. Make sure to stop by her blog and have a look at her fun projects.

AND if you would like to do a blog swap, and have a craft type blog, please send me an email
littlegemscrafts {at} gmail {dot} com

Thanks for reading!
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1 comment:

please know that I really appreciate you taking time to say a little something....and I love when you help me become a little smarter. so thanks. {please no soliciting. Comments with links to ads or in a language I cannot understand, will be rejected, as will comments that are not nice.}