
Wednesday, April 21, 2010

A Spring Tote Bag from some scraps

Sometimes I've just gotta sew. It is my stress-release- well that and exercise. (But exercise these days is also a chore-in that I am trying to lose some major weight.)  But there is something about sewing or crafting that does me a lot of good. I'm sure it would be similar to most people's "girls night out" or for some reading a good book, or going to the spa. But I don't really have any girl's night outs, I read until I fall asleep, and  I can't afford to go to any spa. So I have dates with my sewing machine. And we had one until midnight last night.
I wanted to post a tute for ya' all, but I was too tired. sorry. Those things take lots of thought and work.  But if you really want the 411 on this, let me know, because I have plans to make another one soon. -- and it really is easy to make! Plus isn't a big printed tote the thing this season? If it isn't maybe I need to get out more :)

Basically I just cut squares and sewed-measuring of course. I purchased these scraps from my friend's store for about $3. She had a great sale in March, and I got some beautiful scraps. :) I love fabric scraps. 
 I bought a piece of gray fabric for a few dollars for the lining. Total cost: $6- not counting the interfacing and thread that I already had on hand. It took me about 4 hours from start to finish to make.
So let me know if you want more details, and I'll be happy to share a little tute action with you.
On the home-front, the baby is still sick, and I need to get my kids out for some fresh air!
Have a great day!  Project Runway finale is on tomorrow night-as in Thursday! That show...makes me really want to sew. :)
Thanks for reading!

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  1. Love the bag!! Love fabric scraps too!!! I would love to see a tute for this bag...I have been looking for one similar and haven't found one.

  2. Really really cute! I would love a tutorial. I have made a couple of bags now and the step by step guides I have found online have been very helpful (I study them and follow religiously. LOL) I am sure some day I will be able to figure these things out on my own but that day is not now. So, if you do end up doing a tute, I look forward to reading it. :)Thanks!!

  3. WOW!That fabric is BEAUTIFUL! I love it! great tote! : )

  4. I have yet to attempt making a bag...I would love a tute! And this is such a cute one. Thanks for sharing!

  5. I Love the fabric you chose. It's so cute!

  6. Ooohhh, I really, really like that!!!

  7. so so cute!!! i really should get out my sewing machine - you inspire me to try it out!!!

  8. I am new to your blog and am loving it... you are so creative! I would love a tutorial for this bag.. I am new to sewing, so any help via tutorials is always appreciated :)


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