
Sunday, April 18, 2010

Mr. Roboto quilt-finally finished!

My Mr. Roboto quilt is finally finished! I bought this quilt stuff a year ago, had plans to get it done before the baby was born, and he is almost 10 months old. oops. It is always something right?
(We are sick over here this weekend-and the baby just threw up a few hours ago-mostly on it has been one of those weeks. :)) But the quilt that took me a year to finish is done- so at least I have that to be happy about -hee hee. And I'm "improving" in my quilting skills so that is good. This one has no puckers on the back at all- oh how I hate when I get a pucker in my quilts ;) thank you to my nice husband who helped me use my spray adhesive to get this really smooth-that is how I got it pucker-free. :)
And I haven't washed this yet-so I can't wait to wash is- so it will get all soft and get that broken-in look.

The fabric for this quilt is from David Walker/FreeSpirit and I think it is out of print. I think the collection is called Mr.Roboto or something like that. I have enough left over to make another quilt-probably one with 5 inch squares-unless someone wants to buy my scraps- since it will probably take me more than a year to get to it, and the fabric is out of print.
Want to know how to make squares like these? They are called wonky squares or "off-set" squares. Amy has a great tutorial here.
She is using the same quilt in her tutorial- I bought this quilt stuff at the store she works at, American Quilting. They have really cute quilts and fabrics- **sigh**  .... wish I lived closer.  Of course then I would just have more projects to do and less money.

Does he look  sick to you? Yeah what a good fake -healthy baby.  Silly guy.  Tonight he got really really pale and I knew something was wrong,  and then just like that- throw-up all over the place. In fact, it will probably be a long night over here-....
Just had to share my quilt that took like year to finally finish....only about 300 more of those type of projects left. :)
Thanks for reading!
Happy Sewing and Crafting!

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  1. So cute!!!! I love the colors. Learning how to quilt is next on my to-do's. For some reason it intimidates me!!! But your quilt inspires me.

  2. This is GORGEOUS! What are the dimensions, if you don't mind telling me? I made a quilt when my son was born, and in hindsight I should have made it bigger to grow with him. Live and learn, I guess.
    And your baby is super-cute. :)

  3. Kelli the quilt is about 50 by 50 inches. :) hope that helps.

  4. This turned out gorgeous!! (I think it's still one of my all time favorites.) You did a great job too!

    Sorry about the sick little guy. At least he didn't throw-up on the quilt, right? :)

  5. Seriously, I don't know when you have time to do these things. So creative. Glad it is a check mark off of your to do list. Feel better soon!!!!

  6. I love the colors, really cute! I wish I had the patience to quilt.

  7. I LOVE the quilt. Great job for just beginning. I've been doing it a while and I'm still horrible. Thanks for sharing and I hope the little guy is getting better!

  8. Love the off-set squares idea... i've been thinking of adapting this concept with rectangles for a very hungry caterpiller quilt which has been waiting to be made for over 18mths now. The quilt looks lovely. what machine do you use?

  9. lissyal-
    I have some very hungry caterpillar fabric- that would be so cute! I did adopt this and make a car quilt-but I don't like it- because it is really "busy" looking. I think the trick with the off-set squares, is to use fabrics that aren't too busy with print. I have a singer solid state sewing machine. I have had it for over 12 years- I don't even know if they manufacture it anymore. :) good luck with your quilting!


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