
Saturday, June 26, 2010

Arizona Tour De Thrift in Summary

Last weekend, I attended the Arizona Tour De Thrift which was organized by two Arizona bloggers, Jax from   Aly and Ash and Ashley from  Cute as A Fox.

We met up at Mimi's Cafe for a yummy big breakfast, and we got to know each other a little bit. There were several ladies there- I wish I would have gotten a photo with..{dang}
Here are a few of the great ladies that came:
And Me on the end
I also got to meet Steph from Somewhat Simple.
here is a list of the other women in attendance- many who I got to finally meet in real life!
There were also tons of gals who don't have blogs- or just read and follow them. It was so fun to meet so many different people- who all like thrifting!

We got these amazing swag bags- full of fun stuff! Thank you to Behr paint, Krylon paint, Modge Podge, Gorilla Glue, etc. There were also door prizes!! I won a really cute washer necklace- {photo coming later and where you can purchase them- they are darling!} Then off we went to 3 Goodwill stores. Unlike where I live, these Goodwill stores offer 50% off EVERYTHING every other Saturday!

Searching for some good deals...

Ashley, Me, and Jax (who is an amazing photographer btw- and I'm going to have her do our family photos next time!)

This little table cost me $2.50! We all got a $5 Goodwill card, so I did use that for this. It is that plastic wood mixed with real wood, and I know it doesn't look too pretty...but... Check out these beauties... HERE or HERE. Can't wait to fix this one up too!

And look at the pretty top- that has a piece of glass to go over the top...
I can just see this next to my black and white damask chair...

I found these great frames- which I intend to spray paint....

And this huge mirror and wood frame- I have a great idea for- it too will be spray painted...and the mirror will probably go bye bye.

And one of the last things I got, were these cute star cupcake and cake pan which I already have used :)

Overall it was a great day! This was my first experience meeting bloggers in real life, and they were all very nice and very fun! Here is a link to all the posts from the other ladies in attendance.

Now to get busy with all the thrifty projects sitting in my garage....

Have a Great Weekend!

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1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you came and I got to know you a bit! I'm excited to do your pictures this winter and can't wait to see what you do with your purchases!!


please know that I really appreciate you taking time to say a little something....and I love when you help me become a little smarter. so thanks. {please no soliciting. Comments with links to ads or in a language I cannot understand, will be rejected, as will comments that are not nice.}