
Friday, June 25, 2010

Feature Friday: with Making the World Cuter

Hi Everyone!

I'm Tiffany, you can call me Tiff.
I live in an itty bitty small town in Oregon with my hubby hottie of a man, Chad...
...and these three beautiful, funny kids who make me happier than anything, with one more little fella coming this fall! Wow, lucky me!
I hope you'll come join me at Making the World Cuter;
Here's a little glimpse of what goes on, I am pretty consistent, but I will admit I take a break to snuggle my kids once in awhile and will miss a day. Or like right now while I'm on vacation visiting my mom in Portland and can't seem to get any time on a computer during the fun filled days.
  • Monday-Making the World Cuter Mondays-a linky party for you to show off all the cute things you have made in the past week
  • Tuesday-Toot Toot Tuesdays-Where I share a new, usually on the cheap, tutorial to make something crafty and fun.
  • Wednesday-WooHoo Wednesdays-Sometimes we'll have giveaways, sometimes a yummy recipe, sometimes a bonus crafty something.
  • Thursday-Three things Thursdays-Just a day to share three things that have been going on, or talking about my three "things" or whatever.
  • Friday-Friendly Friday-Your looking at it! Swapping with the fun and cute blogs all over the place and having a blast making new friends! :)
I always have something going on over there, here are a couple little "tastes;"

This is a little easy project that is self explanatory (but I have the step by step tutorial), and would be great to make in patriotic colors for your upcoming Independence day celebration- fun felt napkin rings.Or how about whipping up some yummy S'more cupcakes this weekend and letting your kids (and you) get all sticky and gooey and completely happy?
Thanks so much Sharla for having me! Love your blog, your projects and everything you do to make the world so much dang cuter!

Make sure to check out Making the World Cuter- it is one of my favorites- love the title! And I love that Tiff has something fun going on just about everyday!
And if you would like to be featured, or do a swap, please email me at little gems crafts (no spaces) {at} g mail {dot} com.

Happy Weekend!!

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  1. Sharla-
    Thanks so much for having me! I love all your creativeness. Have a fab weekend!

  2. love your website! Found it through another great blog I recently discovered...Making the World Cuter.


please know that I really appreciate you taking time to say a little something....and I love when you help me become a little smarter. so thanks. {please no soliciting. Comments with links to ads or in a language I cannot understand, will be rejected, as will comments that are not nice.}