
Thursday, June 24, 2010

The Boys Bunk bed Make-over

Remember this? I know it was just a few posts ago...well here it is in all its bunk bed glory:
(I have about 3 different sets of bedding for these beds- to give it a different look-and plus you need extra bedding with little boys :))

Here it is before:

  The DETAILS: The color is Oxford Blue in Satin by Krylon. The orange fabric boxes are from Target- clearance- used to store toys. The bedding is Ikea duvet covers- without duvets in them- because it is just too hot right now- and the pillows I made a while ago. Later I'll show you the other bedding I have (one still has to be made.) And it case you are wondering -the paint on the walls is Richmond Bisque by Benjamin Moore- but I had it mixed at Home Depot w/ Behr paint- I love this color- it is a great tan color- and I love how it looks with the bright colors.

And here is a sneak peek of the other decor in the boys room (not done yet) :

I love a cute boys room! The problem with little boys, is that they trash it just about everyday. :) ugh. If only they could keep it looking like it was a room in a magazine. No such luck here. Well when I have it looking "magazine ready" I'll show you-- before they trash it yet again. Love you little boys!

Speaking of little boys- my littlest boy is one today! Better go get ready to party!

Thanks for reading!

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  1. I love the new look for the bunk beds. I think we have that exact same bunk bed too. I had never thought to paint it - I painted the dressers so I don't know why I hadn't thought about the bed. OH, well - won't be happening any time soon if I ever decide to do it.

    PS I can't believe Dallin is 1 today! Incredible how time flies.

  2. The room looks great! The blue looks great and I like the bins under the bed. Your little one is a happy camper to be 1! He's a big boy now!

  3. the bed looks great. i love the bedding.

  4. The bunk looks SO amazing!!! You have such a great decorators eye! Nice work! I can't wait to see your new house someday!

    And HAPPY (a little late) Birthday to Dallin! He's had a rough first year, so he and you all, deserve some big partyen'! Hope it was awesome!


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