
Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Father's Day

Happy Father's Day to all the great dads/grandpas out there!

If you look closely at this photo you can see a little foot. Daddy was holding the baby  on the other side in this photo.

this photo was taken in early 2009- a day at the zoo

"My daddy is my favorite pal,
And he helps me everyday.
It's plain to see,
I want to be like Him in everyway.
He teaches me that honesty is best in all I do.
I'm very glad that He's my dad;
And I know He loves me too!"
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  1. Beautiful tribute to the 'Daddy' in your family
    Hope he had a special day

  2. Hey Sharla-
    Hope you are recovering from your mom and from your day in phoenix on Saturday! It was so good to meet you, but i wish we had more time to sit and chat! Next time, right? :)


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