
Friday, June 18, 2010

Feature Friday: Steph from Somewhat Simple-Fabric Flower Tutorial

It has been a busy few weeks for me! And it isn't over yet! BUT I have a great post for of my favorite bloggers is here- Steph at Somewhat Simple- she is amazing- make sure to check out her blog{s}!

Happy Friday Everyone!!!
 I am excited to be guest posting Sharla's site today. Please excuse me while I make myself comfy...

My name is Stephanie and my little corner of the universe is called SomewhatSimple

The tutorial I decided to share with you is officially my favorite thing to make right now because its super easy and very cute!!!
I found quite a few tutorials online, each of them similar but different. Here is my perfected, yet simplified version: 

Materials Needed:

Scissors, needle & thread, glue gun, button, headband, 1 piece of rectanglular fabric (approx. 1/2 inch by 1 inch) and 6 fabric circles- 2 large and 4 smaller.

*You can use any size circles you want, just make sure you have 2 of the same size for the larger circles and 4 of the same size that are smaller than the large ones. You can use all the same fabric, but for this I am using denim for the large circles and a cute print for the smaller ones.

Ok, here is a video I made to show you how to assemble your flower- its easy easy easy!

(For those of you who know me in real life, please tell me my voice isn't that annoying!!!)

Once you stitch your petals and your button in the center, you get to decide what to do with this pretty little flower. I decided to make some headbands. Here is one more video of me showing you the easiest way I found to attach your flower to a plastic headband.

You can find headbands super cheap at WalMart (4 for $1) and also the dollar store. No need to spend a ton!

And that's it! So easy and super cute!

(doesn't really match my 3 year old's purple Jonas Brothers PJs, but thats ok!)

Here are some more that I made:

Give it a try and let me know how it works for you!

I would love to have you come visit me at somewhat simple and see what else I've been up to! Every day is different and each day is something fun! If you come right now, you can still add your link to our Strut Your Stuff Link Party that I host everything Thursday. Consider yourself personally invited!

Sharla, thanks for having me as your guest today!
Have a great weekend everyone!

 I love these "hair flowers" and have even made a few for myself {being that I have all boys}. Thanks Steph!
Steph has some great blogs- so make sure to stop by and check her out!

If you have a crafty blog, I would love to feature you. Please contact me at little gems crafts {at gmail dot com.}

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1 comment:

please know that I really appreciate you taking time to say a little something....and I love when you help me become a little smarter. so thanks. {please no soliciting. Comments with links to ads or in a language I cannot understand, will be rejected, as will comments that are not nice.}