
Thursday, June 17, 2010

Spray-painting a Bunkbed {or becoming a DIY crazy person}

I think I have gone crazy. Seriously, who spray paints a bunk bed?
raise your hand (leave a comment) if you have done this so we can be crazy DIY friends...☻ ☻ ☻

Please excuse my prolonged blogging absence. We are still in the middle of a move and it has also been crazy! And while we are trying to move, we decided it would be the perfect time to re-do the boys bed. {crazy}
We bought this bunk bed a year ago off of Craig's List. We thought it was a good deal, until we discovered the same Walmart.....for almost the same price but brand new of course. Dang it! That is the only time I have not found a good deal on Craig's List.
I so wanted a blue bunk bed like this one here that I could never afford.
And I {for years} have had this vision of a Pottery Barn boy's bedroom.
{that I have planned to recreate for a fraction of the cost ...someday}
It is finally someday. ☻

So after buying spray paint and returning it for another color and doing that again, we finally decided on Oxford Blue, Satin finish. We began our biggest-- spray- paint- crazy- person- project- ever. Although I did this in an open garage, with a fan, and with a mask-which I could only stand to wear for so long-  I still got SICK. I mean sick. Because, guess how many cans of spray paint it takes to do a bunk bed?

It takes about TEN cans to do a bunk bed. I am getting dizzy just thinking about it.
I hope it was worth it.
Too late now.
The bed is done.
When the room is all put together....and I can't wait... I'll show you my thrifty boy's room:)
And I think we are done with spray paint for a while- although this morning my husband spray painted some of our old ceiling fans. :)
It is such a quick and easy fix- darn stinky spray paint.

Thanks for reading!
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  1. I read the title and thought, "Hmm What's so crazy about that?" OK so you used a lot of paint and got sick... still, I can envision the room! It must look great! I'll be your crazy DIY friend, because I don't think this post turned me off from doing this in the future.

  2. Oh my goodness, craziness reigns supreme! I get sick from much smaller spray paint projects. I LOVE the color you chose. I can't wait to see the room!

  3. Sharla the beds do look fabulous painted like that.
    How annoying that they weren't the bargain buy you had hoped for

  4. Wow! That is a lot of spray paint. I bet it looks fantastic though.
    I hope you aren't too sick of spray paint though because you will be getting a can of Krylon paint in your swag bag too!

    See you tomorrow!

  5. I love these!!! I am totally going to do this... someday!

  6. Kent just finished spray painting bunk beds for our kids' room too (!), except our beds are much thicker (what were we thinking?). It took 18 cans of spray paint. We spent more money on the paint than we did the beds! Oh well, like you said-it's too late. the beds are done. Hope our beds look as cute as yours once we put them back together.

  7. Awesome~ You guys are incredible! I bet it feels so good to have that done?! Fun! All you DIY peops are my heroes!

  8. We found bunkbeds on for $50. The kids who used them before drew on them with sharpie and they are white bunks. My husbands idea was to spray paint them for our boys but I thought that would look horrible. I googled "How to spray paint bunkbeds" and found a link to your amazing looking bunkbeds. Now my mind is set at ease and I cant wait until our spray painting begins! :)

  9. Can you spray it over the finished wood or did you have to sand them first. I have the same beds...purchased at walmart and want to do them pink and purple

  10. I'm going to paint mt sons old bed purple for my daughter, so glad I got a gallon of
    They look great so far thou, :)

  11. What paint sprayer did you use ? I'm going to repaint my kids bed too

  12. Hi ladies, so we did not use a sprayer. We used our hands and the tons of spray paint. My hands hurt by the time we were done! I recommend a sprayer but we are too cheap to buy one. BUT if I were to do this again, I would make my own chalk paint using plaster of paris. I have done some furniture with this, and it does not chip! We sealed it after with a spray poly- most people do the wax- but you can use a spray poly and it really seals it well. My bunk beds, as seen here, are great but chipped up where the kids climb in and out of bed. It you want it to last a long long time, I would maybe do what I just mentioned. Also wear a mask- inhaling all those spray painting fumes can give your bowels a little problem. :)


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