
Monday, August 9, 2010

Let's Hear it for Homemade Muffins

We eat a lot of muffins around here. And with school starting, muffins are the perfect food.
Well...IF you make them there are so many reasons why muffins are the best:
*You can eat them on the go
*You can add "healthy" ingredients- whole wheat flour, flax seed, fruit
*They freeze well
*They are portable
*They taste delicious!
*They can be good for you
*Kids love them
*Kids can help make them
*The possibilities are endless!

So this next week, I am going to share some of my Favorite muffin recipes with you!
And...If I can figure out how to use Mr. Linky- or someone can please help this non-computer savvy mom-
I will put a linky thingy where you can link your favorite muffin recipe from your blog!
Hopefully we'll have a bunch of great muffin recipes in the end!

And to kick it off- go grab this great book off your shelf and read it to your little ones:

Happy Baking!
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1 comment:

  1. I am so excited about this. I was thinking about muffins and how they would be a great back to school breakfast for me. Looking forward to testing out these recipes.


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