
Friday, August 6, 2010

Quiltstory Feature + Robot Bibs

Have you heard of Quiltstory? It is an adorable blog created by two sisters, Heather and Megan. A few months ago, they contacted me about featuring my Mr. Roboto Quilt. And although there are quilters out there who are much more "skilled" than I am, and much more creative and talented, they asked to feature mine. (Although  my inspiration including this quilt is all due to Amy from Diary of a Quilter. :) )

Fresh Poppy Design
You can read the story and see the quilt again, here.
And because I LOVED this Mr. Roboto fabric, I used every last scrap of it (except for a few kits I am still putting together-which I really need to finish) to make these bibs a few months ago. My big growing boy was in need of more baby bibs. 

Happy Weekend!
Make sure you check out all the beautiful quilts on Quiltstory.

Now I think I'll try to actually do some sewing this weekend--- I could use a little "down time." :)

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  1. Cute bibs! I love taking the time to make cute bibs, every baby needs at least a few for when they're "out" :)

    Thanks for the shout out!


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