
Saturday, September 11, 2010

Another Boy Quilt Done: Traffic Jam Cars Quilt #2

5. Traffic Jam Car Quilt #2 (this post)

Machine quilting is a process- as in a learning process. I just finished another boy's quilt, and it took me year at least. ☺ I bought the fabric, cut the quilt out, pieced it, and then did not like it at all! I had used too many busy fabrics. Then last Christmas, I was about to pay someone to machine quilt it for me--and I changed my mind. I decided it would have to wait and I would do it myself...eventually. that it is almost Christmas again.... I finally finished it! yay!!!

And once it was finished, it turned out a lot better than I thought it would. So that was nice. :)  And because it was so busy and colorful on the front, I had to tone it down on the back. Here is the back (below) :

The quilt is about 60" by 54" or something like that- I guess I need to measure it. I used the off-set square method- like the Mr. Roboto quilt. I am so so glad it is finished! I want to work on something new!

And since it is September 11th today, I hope we can all remember that day- the people that sacrificed their lives, the many that lost loved ones. It truly was a day when the world stopped turning.I was teaching a class full of second graders that day. I will always remember that time.  God Bless America.

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  1. this is amazing...and looks so great!!!

  2. Sharla,

    I don't think the prints are too busy at all. I love it! I think baby's and children need bright colors! Super job!


  3. It looks great! Aren't you glad you saved your $$ and quilted it yourself? You are a pro! :)
    Miss ya!

  4. Wow I still don't understand how you find the time to do all this amazing stuff! Where did you find all the cute fabric though? If you hadn't heard we are having another boy in Dec. and I have been trying to find some cute fabrics for the boys.

  5. Beautiful! Thanks for stopping by and leaving such a nice comment! I would love to be part of your roundup! *Following :)


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