
Friday, September 10, 2010

Feature Friday: Blog Swap with Sumo's Sweet Stuff

Well finally... I get to feature Summer from Sumo's Sweet Stuff! I think I have had this scheduled and cancelled before, and she is in high demand when it comes to being featured or swapping! Well- it is no wonder- she has some fabulously sweet stuff on her blog- and I'm not just talking about all the delicious desserts and treats she take a look and see :)

Hello everyone!

I'm so excited to be blog swapping with Sharla today! Isn't she fantastic???

I'm Sumo, from Sumo's Sweet Stuff!

Sumo's Sweet Stuff

My real name is Summer, but my husband nicknamed me Sumo when we were dating. (Should I be offended?) Now he's got all of my family, as well as lots of our friends, calling me Sumo. I think Aunt Sumo sounds pretty great, don't you? I live in Utah with my husband, and our two beautiful daughters - Reece & Remi!

Growing up, I never used to be all that domestic or crafty, so I think no one is more surprised than my mom at how I've ended up where I am today! I started Sumo's Sweet Stuff last May as a place to keep some of my crafting projects so that my personal blog wasn't overrun with them. Somehow, that developed into a place to host giveaways, share tutorials, share recipes, and feature fellow bloggers' ideas and blogs! I also use my blog to promote my etsy shop, so if you're ever in the market for some baby girl accessories, come on over! Every Monday is Market Yourself Monday, where you can link up your latest projects, and visit other blogs to get some inspiration!
Sumo Sweet Stuff

Here's a little peek at some of the things you can find on my blog:

You can find something every day of the week at Sumo's Sweet Stuff:

Market Yourself Monday
Tutorial Tuesday
Mouth-Watering Wednesday
Things to Try Thursday
Feature Friday
Showcase Saturday
Sponsor Sunday

I also am involved in a joint blogging venture -
Win, Lose or Blog. If you aren't following already, you should get on over there and do so! We have a lot of great sponsors, and not all of the prizes donated are going to the contestants - they are also going to people who comment! Plus it's just nice to cheer for those lovely ladies. We're also starting to do some giveaways, so what's not to love? Season 2 is underway, which means you better get over there and get involved!

Coming up is The Creative Chick Parade September 13th-17th! Go here to find out all of the details and see how you can get involved! I'll be hosting lots of fun giveaways during that week on my blog, so come on over!

Thanks again for having me! I hope to see you all over at Sumo's Sweet Stuff soon!

Doesn't she have some fun things? And all in one place! Everyday you can find something new too! I love the Win Lose or Blog site too! Take a look there also. Thanks Summer! I love what you have to offer to the blog world!

If you would like to be a guest or swap blogs with My Little Gems, please contact me at  little gems crafts (all one word) at gmail dot com.
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1 comment:

please know that I really appreciate you taking time to say a little something....and I love when you help me become a little smarter. so thanks. {please no soliciting. Comments with links to ads or in a language I cannot understand, will be rejected, as will comments that are not nice.}