
Monday, October 18, 2010

Look What I did with a Leaf! (crafting with kids and storytime)

Here is a fun creative nature activity you can do with your kids. I did this with my preschoolers, and they had a lot of fun, but they were a bit young to be able to do it independently. I used to do this with my second graders, and they could do this without help. So depending on the age of your child, you may have to give them lots of help or just a little.

First we gathered leaves of all shapes and sizes. We looked at the shapes, sizes, colors, and textures of the leaves. 

Next we read and looked at the pictures in the book Look What I did with a Leaf.

We each decided on a leaf creature that we wanted to make. Most of the girls, picked butterflies.... :)
With the preschoolers, I had to help  some them with leaf sizes and placement.
After our leaves were glued down, we placed something heavy on top of them to help flatten the leaves. The kids really enjoyed this and it was fun to explore leaves and turn them into a small piece of art too!

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1 comment:

  1. That is so cute! My son is 18 months and I cannot wait until we can start doing fun things like this :D


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