
Tuesday, October 19, 2010

My Halloween Quiet Book

I had 2 Halloween projects I wanted to do this year: a small quiet activity book- just for fun-(not like we need one)- and a small quilt. Well I finally finished this one! And it is NOT perfect people. It is well, done pretty fast, no patterns, no measuring, just kind of well... finished! That is all that matters at this point- since Halloween is like- in a week! oops... I just want to move right to Christmas this year- since I never have enough time for that stuff :)
Here are a few of my favorite pages-(sorry no patterns or templates- but feel free to copy from my photos!)

I used tulle and pom-poms sewn together onto a piece of ribbon, for bats. The googley eyes are hot glued on.  The bats hide in the cave as seen below:

And here are most of the other pages:

1. Ghost BOO page- flap lifts up to reveal ghosts.
2. Jack-O-Lantern face velcros on and off - and maybe sometime I'll make more faces for it :)
3. Halloween Night- I was going to cut this up and make it a puzzle, but after sewing all the pieces on, I decided they can just stare at it instead. (ha ha)
4. Spider Web Page (my favorite) I used ribbon and tulle to make a spider web and just sewed in a circle to attach it- and felt scraps around the edges...and the spider is made with ribbon and moves up and down on the dotted ribbon. All pieces are sewed on except for the eyes- which are hot glued.
5. Trick-or-Treat Bag- needs some lettering on the front still, and has felt candies that go in and out of the bag.
6. The Bat Cave page as seen and explained above

And below is the spider page again.
I just sort of sewed without a know how that can be- sometimes it works and sometimes it is another story. This all worked.

To make the pages: I did measure this part: I cut 3 pieces that were 9 by 17 inches  (I used an old sheet) and then cut the same size of warm-n-natural batting. This will make 6 pages. I did not make pages on the back- but backed the pages with a cute Halloween fabric.
When all my pages were finished, I stacked them up and sewed right down the middle. When you fold it on the stitching, it makes a book. I bound the edges before sewing all the pages together, and added some ribbon closure.
I really enjoy these projects but they are a lot of work!
Here are two other cute quiet books:
Both of these are adorable!! Let's just say- I need some kind of cutting machine! Santa, please bring me one :)
Happy Halloween!

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  1. That is just to cute! I wonder if my 18 month old would be into that might be a project for next year since it is almost Halloween lol. Actually, a Christmas one would be neat too. Thank you for the awesome idea!

  2. Wow, Sharla, I am simply impressed! This is absolutely amazing!! Thanks for the shout-out to my book... like yours TONS better though! :)

  3. That is the coolest! I really need one for my little guy.....I'm thinking a variation on this would make a perfect 1st birthday gift for him.....if I can sew fast....he'll be one in only 9 days! Or maybe Christmas...I could manange that better I think.

    Just discovered your blog....and I"m LOVING it! Thanks much!

  4. You did such a great job on this book. I LOVE the spider page, that turned out amazing!
    I love making quiet books, they are super addicting!


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