
Saturday, November 27, 2010

A Christmas Wreath {take one}

 Inspired by all the great wreaths out there- you people are amazing!!- I decided to try making my own.
This was the first time I had done these fabric rosettes- and I was in a hurry- but they are so easy and fun to do!
This was one of those- not planned- just pull stuff out- and change as you go- projects. :)
I'm not in love with it, but I love the idea! And I want to make another better and bigger one .
Thanks- to all you creative people- for inspiring me to try something new!
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  1. I really like it! Love the rosettes. Super cute!

  2. I think it is BEAUTIFUL! I love the whimsy feel.

  3. I think your wreath is adorable! I love the colors! I am inspired by all you wreath makers too. I may just have to put that on my to do list this week ;)


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