
Friday, November 26, 2010

The Tree is Up!

 I did not participate in Black Friday this year, (I know what a shame-just kidding) !!
Instead, I watched all the really fun shows on HGTV while putting up the tree! (and HGTV might say I over-decorated my tree...but who cares. :) )  I love it!
My oldest even cleaned his room and made his bed and his brother's bed all on his own! He is such a good boy :) And then they helped me decorate the tree! Christmas is such a wonderful time of year! I love it a little too much :)
I hope you had a fabulous Black Friday and found some great deals!
I have some fun holiday posts coming up!
Happy Holidays!
thanks for reading!
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  1. Oh I love it!! Good job Sharla. Way to be on top of the season.

  2. Ok seriously? Your tree is stunning! It looks like it should be in the Pottery Barn display window! Incredible!

  3. It's a BEAUTIFUL tree. Not over decorated at all. Love it. I am not a Black Friday shopper either. I prefer the day after Christmas early early.

  4. I don't think it is possible to over-decorate a tree - it looks beautiful!


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