
Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Miracle Blanket Winner and a Discount!

Thanks for all that entered the Miracle Blanket Give-a-way! It is the second one I have been able to do on this here blog- - and let me tell you it is one of the best baby things I have ever seen! I tried some others, but nothing worked like the Miracle Blanket!

The winner is... Stacia. Congrats!! She just had her 5th baby, so I'm sure she will put it to good use!  You have to respond to a posting on the Miracle Blanket Facebook Page to claim your prize!

IF you did not win but would still like a Miracle Blanket- they have graciously offered a DISCOUNT!!
The code is FALL2010 and gives you $5 off a Miracle Blanket at their website. It is good until November 16th- so don't delay!!

ON another note, I have been doing project after project around here! Just waiting for paint to dry so I can finish a few of them....:) I am planning on re-opening my etsy shop with a few fun things and car cozies.
Stay tuned....(just gotta sew sew sew a few more things..and then find time to post it all :))

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1 comment:

  1. I used to do all sorts of crafts. I love craft ideas and simple things even my kids can do. Your blog looks like it has great ideas.


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